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Sync issue - Delay between Play1 and Connect / Parrot speaker

  • 9 January 2018
  • 4 replies


I have just bought a Sonos Connect and I have connected it to a Parrot speaker. I have now in the same room a Play 1 and my new Connect / Parrot speaker.

I have a sync issue. There is a delay between both sounds. How can i solve this issue please ?


Which one is "first" to make the sound? My initial guess would be it's the PLAY:1, and that there's some additional data processing on the Parrot speaker's side, but there's also the slight possibility of a hardware issue.

I think I'd recommend that you submit a system diagnostic, and call in to Sonos to discuss.
Thanks Bruce. Yes the PLAY:1 is the first to make the sound. Does this mean that there is a high chance that this issue is not possible to solve ? And that it is better to re-arrange the location of the Parrot speaker in another room ?
Well, since i"m not familiar with the Parrot in any way, it's really hard to be definite. Is there some sort of processing going on to the input of the Parrot? That could be the cause of the delay. Sonos has a delay on the input of any analog input in order to do both the processing of analog to digital, and to buffer the signal so it can be played across many speakers at the same time. If your Parrot is doing something similar, than you'd need to ask Parrot if there's a way to turn off all processing of the signal, and see if you can get it to be in sync.

Otherwise, I'd go with the whole "put it in another room" idea, which is actually great 🙂
My Parrott speaker is a Zikmu solo. I have connected the Parrot to the Connect thanks to a jack/RCA cable. Will investigate the potential processing going on to the input of the Parrot. Thanks a lot !