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I have a Port running through a Yamaha As 801 integrated. My speakers are Totem. I stream only Tidal.

When I first connected the Port, I was enthused at all the available music. However, the more I listened, the less enthused I was about the sound quality...seemed dull, with no detail. Just for the heck of it, I streamed  a Mark Knopfler cut through the Port and then played same cut (same album) through from a cd through my CDP…..the CD was noticeably better.

Any thoughts or similar experiences?



What where you using as a source? Spotify? Music from a NAS?


Analog output or digital? Fixed or Variable? If Variable, is EQ flat?

Are the signal levels of Port and CDP precisely level matched to within 0.1dB? (The answer’s no, unless you have suitable measurement equipment to do this.) A human can subconsciously prefer a signal that’s 0.2dB louder, despite being only able to consciously discriminate differences of about 1dB.

Ratty...are you kidding me? I’m in my 70’s just looking for some nice music in this madness. Forget I asked.