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Is it possible to buy two of the new Sonos Amps and run each as a mono block, one driving the left speaker and one driving the right speaker? This is exactly what I do with my current (non Sonos) configuration. I have a single digital preamp, I use a Sonos Connect for Sonos music streaming, then I drive two monoblock power amps one for each speaker. I would like to replace this configuration with the Sonos Amp but my small speakers in a very large room need a lot of driving.
If you're thinking of bridging the stereo amps in one unit together this is almost certainly not possible (it wasn't for Connect:Amp). In that case you'd not gain anything, and would waste one amp in each unit. You'd also have the hassle of coordinating dual volume/EQ controls, having grouped the two Amps together. You might as well just use a single Sonos Amp.
Hhmmm. Not much from Sonos on this...
Probably because ratty gave you the correct answer. I suspect they don't feel the need to say "yea, what he said".
I'm happy to add that ratty is correct. This isn't an intended installation.

However, if you're asking about the simple capabilities, a Sonos Amp can be set to send out mono audio. So you can have two of them, grouped together in the Sonos app, both sending mono to two different speakers, however, it's not going to be exactly the same experience as they aren't designed to operate as monoblocks. Also, a group is temporary and it sends the same audio to both players there's no built-in crossfade or stereo separation in a group.

This could work for what you're looking to do, but it depends on the reason or solution you're looking for. You may want to reach out to our sales team and discuss your specific situation to investigate.
a Sonos Amp can be set to send out mono audio.

Playing L+R presumably. That's rather the opposite of what the OP was after. He effectively wanted a bonded stereo pair of mono Amps, each playing just one channel. Not possible, and not required: just use a single Amp as designed.
I'd agree, it's best to use it as designed. Depending on what he's looking to accomplish, there may be something we can work with, but you could be correct.