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Amp audio for projector.   Posting because of frustrating customer service call.  To hook up you may use the rca in from the phone/computer/dvr to 3.5mm headphone jack and video hdmi to the projector.  So 2 connections, one to headphone jack and other for video to projector. Alternate is use hdmi ARC to projector and if it has output, then go to rca in on the AMP.  there, fixed until the software engineers ger their butts in gear and patch the wireless option in, why, because its a wireless system!

Were you expecting to connect the Amp wirelessly to your projector? If so, what gave you the impression that this was possible?

Yes I was hoping for real time device audio, many query about this on the net.   What gave me the impression was Sonos is a wireless app with source options like spotify, pandora, or internal device content. Why not real time audio while streaming Netflix or amazon video.  My hope would be that a software upgrade could give the option for real time device audio!

“wireless” being a key word associated with Sonos. 

Sonos is seldom a good idea for projector use, due to the lack of compatible ports on most projectors. Reading this forum should have given you that impression quite clearly.

Many users ask about this. Sonos should get the message.


We will see software improvements come out and sonos will improve. until then we old school audiophiles will do simple hardware patches, buy weatherproof speakers, sub woofers and impedance balancing selectors from other brands.  This post was a discussion regarding ability to stream real time audio and to bring attention to sonos that this is a desirable feature,  however it seems so suck in self righteous techno-nerds and their snarky comments, sorta like indoctrinated apple zombies.  

Many users ask about this. Sonos should get the message.


We will see software improvements come out and sonos will improve. until then we old school audiophiles will do simple hardware patches, buy weatherproof speakers, sub woofers and impedance balancing selectors from other brands.  This post was a discussion regarding ability to stream real time audio and to bring attention to sonos that this is a desirable feature,  however it seems so suck in self righteous techno-nerds and their snarky comments, sorta like indoctrinated apple zombies.  


You came in with an attitude claiming that the feature needs to be “fixed until the software engineers ger their butts in gear”, and  are now complaining that you are getting attitude (if you could even call it that) back?

The term ‘wireless’  does not mean that Sonos speakers can wirlessly connect to every audio producing device ever made, it means that they talk to other Sonos devices wirelessly.    Wireless communication in general requires that the two devices both have wireless capabilities and are using the same protocol...speaking the same language.  So even if Sonos did setup a way to get audio from non-Sonos  devices, like a projector, the projector would also have to have the software and hardware in place to transmit the audio. No product ever built can receive an audio signal from a device that isn’t transmitting an audio signal.

You can get 3rd party devices that can connect to your project to send audio or video wireless to a receiving device that could then connect to Sonos, but you’re not going to get that in real time.  There will be a slight delay that may or may not be acceptable to you.   Which is probably one of the reasons Sonos doesn’t make these products themselves.


Thanks Danny,  thank you for proving my point!  Repeating what I said and commenting as a know it all.


More people spend time at home, would like simple features like the ability to connect Sonos to devices to stream audio in real time from their apps on devices.  That is a fact.


I was frustrated, like many folks on various forums that this was not possible, but thanks for the indoctrinated attack in any event. keep up the attacks in protection of a software limitation that will likely be available in the future.



More people spend time at home, would like simple features like the ability to connect Sonos to devices to stream audio in real time from their apps on devices.  That is a fact.



You originally were complaining about wireless connection to your projector, and now you’re talking about streaming audio from apps on devices.



I was frustrated, like many folks on various forums that this was not possible, but thanks for the indoctrinated attack in any event. keep up the attacks in protection of a software limitation that will likely be available in the future.

Are you talking about wirelessly connecting to your projector or to apps on devices?  It makes a difference.  Heck, the future may even be here now!


Yes i was complaining about real time app audio streaming from a device to sonos in real time.  Still am and am hoping for a fix for this.


the projector was just one possible instance of a real time use, but thanks for the type A dissection of the comment, perhaps you would like to evaluate my grammar.