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When I add second SONOS connect one of them starts lagging and music is skipping a few seconds randomly. Music source is MP3 coming from a NAS. NAS should be providing enough bandwidth, I tried playing different MP3s on each Sonos. Any ideas? Devices are on gigabit network. I am assuming it is a problem with Sonos, either conflicting because of 2 connections or it cannot pull off the MP3s fast enough. Please advice, need this working ASAP.
Are you grouping the two CONNECTs, or are you trying to start play simultaneously in two different rooms?
Are you grouping the two CONNECTs, or are you trying to start play simultaneously in two different rooms?

Two different rooms.
If you're playing the same music in both rooms, you need to group them, not start play simultaneously.
If you're playing the same music in both rooms, you need to group them, not start play simultaneously.

No it is different music. Different MP3 file. Just the source is same, same NAS.
Ah, I see. So what you're experiencing appears to be dropouts, where the music stops playing for a moment or two, and not a non-synchronization of the same music on two speakers.

In that case, I'd be looking at the Wifi Interference FAQ and checking all of those possibilities.
Ah, I see. So what you're experiencing appears to be dropouts, where the music stops playing for a moment or two, and not a non-synchronization of the same music on two speakers.

In that case, I'd be looking at the Wifi Interference FAQ and checking all of those possibilities.

Everything is hardwired and very close to the gigabit switch, WIFI issues and distance related signal losses are not applicable.
Ah, I see. So what you're experiencing appears to be dropouts, where the music stops playing for a moment or two, and not a non-synchronization of the same music on two speakers.

In that case, I'd be looking at the Wifi Interference FAQ and checking all of those possibilities.

PS: It doesn't stop completely just sort of skips few seconds, as if it can't catch up.
Again as summary, if I turn on one Sonos connect, it plays fine. If I turn on second then one of them (I think second) starts skipping music randomly, then if I turn off one the other plays fine again. Both are connected by wire. I tried switching around to make sure it's not a single problem with one of the Sonos, any one if played alone works fine, if another is added then the problem happens.
OK, I see. Thanks for the restating of the issue.

I think at this point, I'm going to jump to a possible duplicate IP address issue, where the one that starts skipping may have some sort of conflict with another device's IP address. But I'm not 100% sure about that, due to your testing, since it always seems to work with either one of the devices, and stops working properly when you add a second to the stream. And I'd agree with your contention that the NAS should be able to handle 2 mp3 streams when connected to a gigabit network, although the actual Sonos ports are only 100Meg ports. But that's all downstream, and shouldn't affect the NAS at all, unless you happen to have the NAS daisy chained through one of the CONNECTs..

It may be best if you were to submit a system diagnostic within 10 minute of experiencing this issue, and call in to Sonos to discuss. They'll be able to look at the diagnostic and see more of what's going on than I can guess just building a mental image in my mind. And, they may be able to remote in to your system and help fix it, too.
OK, I see. Thanks for the restating of the issue.

I think at this point, I'm going to jump to a possible duplicate IP address issue, where the one that starts skipping may have some sort of conflict with another device's IP address. But I'm not 100% sure about that, due to your testing, since it always seems to work with either one of the devices, and stops working properly when you add a second to the stream. And I'd agree with your contention that the NAS should be able to handle 2 mp3 streams when connected to a gigabit network, although the actual Sonos ports are only 100Meg ports. But that's all downstream, and shouldn't affect the NAS at all, unless you happen to have the NAS daisy chained through one of the CONNECTs..

It may be best if you were to submit a system diagnostic within 10 minute of experiencing this issue, and call in to Sonos to discuss. They'll be able to look at the diagnostic and see more of what's going on than I can guess just building a mental image in my mind. And, they may be able to remote in to your system and help fix it, too.

It is not duplicate IP because the devices respond fine to commands, and they can both play at same time, just one starts to skip seconds of music.

Nothing else is reading from the NAS, it is mainly used for backup and now for storing some MP3s.

I did write to Sonos simultaneously while writing here, I don't like to call as it usually involves much more time on phone, and thought maybe someone here seen similar problem and may be able to recommend towards a fix.
As a test, how does the audio play if only one is accessing the NAS and the other is playing from something else, like a radio stream or a mobile device on your network?
Ok so I tried to share off a folder from a computer (running Windows 10 Pro). One Sonos Connect continued to get music from NAS and other I played from the share on the computer. Same problem. I can say it is not a problem with a single Sonos because I tried to switch sources. I am guessing this is either some conflict in Sonos technology or for some reason the MP3 is not loaded in timely manner and causes the lag. It happens randomly by the way, for example it was playing fine for few minutes I thought problem went away then walking by again and it happens again.

I grouped them for now and its fine but I bought 3 to have different zones. This needs to be fixed.

Also just as a small note the MP3 is about 100mb and 1 hour. But it shouldn't be the issue because the problem arises only when second Connect is playing.
I used to get drop outs and tracks skipping mid way through when playing from a NAS source. Then I found that if I connected the nas drive directly to my sonos connect (connect has 2 network ports one for the NAS and the other for a switch/routher) and not via the network the issue fully resolved. The only slight fly in the ointment is that the network port on the connect is only 100mbs not the full gigabit.