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I have a PLAYBASE connected to my tv and a CONNECT:AMP connected to my in ceiling speakers. However, since my router is on a different floor, both SONOS components can only using the wireless internet connection in my house. Also, the CONNECT:AMP is not located close the the tv, since the in wall speaker connection is far away from the tv. Therefore I can not physically connect these two systems.

So, while I can get the tv to play on the PLAYBASE, I can’t get it on both. Is there any way to get the tv to play on both the PLAYBASE and the in wall speakers without moving my router (which causes other issues)?
I think you just need to "group" the two rooms. Start playing on the TV with PLAYBAR room, then "group" the CONNECT:AMP room with it.

The problem is if you want to use those in-wall speakers as surrounds. That requires a physical connection between the PLAYBAR and CONNECT:AMP. as detailed here:

Setting up CONNECT:AMP as surround speakers
Thanks, Bruce. I thought the same thing, but for some reason I can not group the PLAYBASE like I normally do with Sonos speakers. My guess is that it has something to do with the PLAYBASE, as that is the new component. Thoughts?
Nope, doesn't make any sense to me. The PLAYBAR should be considered like any other speaker in the Sonos ecosystem.

If it's not working, I would try (long shot) rebooting the router. As I type this, I'm watching TV and using my PLAYBAR, and I've just grouped another pair of speakers with it. I know it works....there's something odd going on in your system, and it's not normal.

At the end of the day, I'd be tempted to do a full wifi reset which I often suggest for duplicate IP address issues. However, I don't think you have that particular issue. But just in case you want to do it...

Power down (unplug) all your Sonos devices. Reboot the router. Then plug back in one Sonos device. If you have one wired to the router, choose that one, if not, just pick one closest to your router. Then wait for that device to boot up. Once it's up, move on to the next Sonos device, and plug it in. Lather, rinse, repeat, until you've got them all back up.

I honestly am not sure what might be keeping you from grouping the two rooms. It should be working. I guess I keep saying that because I don't understand.

So...if all of this doesn't help, I'd recommend that you submit a system diagnostic, and call in to Sonos to discuss. They might be able to remote in to your system and figure out and correct whatever the problem is.

Just had a thought. Are both rooms connected to the same wifi, router, or do you have some sort of wifi access point/extender? If so, that's probably separating them on two segments of the network.
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