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Hi All

just installed my PORT to replace my old CONNECT. 

The PORT is connected to wired B&O speakers. Works fine, however when I stop playing music, approx 2 minutes later, a humming noise then starts to emit from the B&O speakers.  Perhaps it has something to do with the trigger?  Not sure how i can turn off the trigger to find out. 

Any suggestions welcomed to stop the low buzzing sound from my speakers, when inactive.

Presumably the B&O speakers are active, and are wired via the Port’s RCA outputs. Do they perhaps go into standby after 2 minutes?

It sounds like a grounding issue. It might help to connect an available sheath, on one of the spare jacks, to the electrical earth.

Yes they are active and i never had a problem with the previsously wired CONNECT, it worked perfectly. 

Only when i stop playing music, almost exactly 2 min later, the humming begins. 

It is as if the signal from the PORT stops after 2 min and the humming begins.  If i start to play music again, then the humming stops, and then the music begins?  So i don't think it is a grounding issue?


I noticed something similar with a Port connected to a headphone amp. There was a tiny amount of background hum until the amp was powered on. Neither the Port nor the amp were tied to the electrical earth.

Grounding the assembly -- by earthing the sheath on one of the unused RCA jacks -- caused the hum to go away.

It’s not hard to test, simply by touching a grounded wire onto a suitable spot.