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Hi I will get a Sonos Port for Xmas in order to integrate my analogue sound system based on Martantz PM8005, B&W 601, Turntable with Sonos world.

Turntable is played only via Marantz and will only goes to B&W without entering digital world.

Digital sources are the TV Philips ambilight that via optical fibre and a DAC goes in one of Maratnz RCA input, and Spotify either via TV or via Sonos App.

I need to keep the TV via optical fibre to DAC and Marantz because when watching TV this is the way to have the audio

What I would like to implement is either when I stream from TV or from SONOS app the source goes in the Marantz and in parallel wireless from the Port to Sonos One SL avoiding delay. 

First question is there a possibility in SONOS App to tune the delay to avoid echo effect between analog world (Martantz) and digital world (Sonos)

What could you  suggest as connection layout ?


You could also connect the Audio out on the Marantz to the in on the Port, so you could play anything Marantz sourced to other Sonos devices around the house (keeping in mind the 75ms delay mentioned above).


That should be fine.

I think I will try the following configuration:

TV Optical Dig out to DAC and RCA to AUX input to Marantz , this is just to watch TV

Port Line-out to input Marantz RCA CD

Streaming music to Sonos via Sonos App/Ariplay 2 there should not be delay between B&W connected to Marantz and One SL wireless to Port being Marantz P8005 full analogue ampli chain

Finally Maratnz phono as input from Turning table in full and only analogue to B&W

Any comments ?

There is a minimum delay for Sonos Line-In of 75ms. This is to allow for audio sync across the network. Playing TV through the Port to the One SL, in parallel with the Marantz, will therefore create an echo if the B&W speakers are also audible.

One could always wire the TV’s DAC into the Port, then the Port’s outputs into the Marantz. The B&W speakers would then be in sync with the One SL (assuming the Marantz is pure analog), but the overall delay with respect to the TV picture could be unacceptable. 

Sources played directly on Sonos, such as Spotify, will be in sync on Sonos and Marantz.
