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Hi, My Sonos2 app shows that my line-in is disconnected. I am not able to play vinyl though I do have a Sonos recommended preamp turntable. I have tried ALL the methods described on the Sonos website, and I mean all, to resolve the problem but to no avail. My Sonos2 app cannot find my Connect even though it is registered with Sonos and shows in their list of the Sonos products I own. Any one been in a similar situation and have resolved the problem?

I am confused.  If the app cannot find the Connect, how and where does the app show line in as disconnected?

Have you had this working previously?

Hi John B, Thanks for getting in touch.

Under System, in ‘Dining Room’ I have my two paired Play 5 speakers (L and R) listed under Products but the Connect is not listed and under the heading Line-in in faded lettering it says Line-in (L) Disconnected and Line-in (R) Disconnected. Hope that helps.

It may well be that I need to get Sonos to re register my Connect, even though it is in my account with them. If you have another solution that would be great as they are not the speediest in getting back and the on-line chat is not that responsive.

Hi. OK. First thing is you don't need the Connect. All you need is a cable that will connect your turntable to one of your Play:5s. The Line-In disconnected refers to the Line-In on the Play 5. As you haven't  got a cable plugged in it's normal for it to say that. 

Secondly, have you actually added the Connect to your system? It would have to be set up under a different room name. Have you just bought the Connect?

What is on the website is irrelevant, you don't need to ask Sonos to do anything. Although it does prove the Connect has been part of your system.