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I have 2 SONOS BOOSTS, 1 in the Study wired to my router, the other, wireless up high in the kitchen. I have 4 play 5’s Gen 1 and 2 around the house.

Looking at my matrix the Kitchen BOOST is doing nothing. Am I interpreting the matrix correctly?

ILooking at my matrix the Kitchen BOOST is doing nothing. Am I interpreting the matrix correctly?

Yes. It's simply warming the kitchen.

Units will connect back to the wired network via the path with the lowest STP root cost. Since the direct connections are viable the second Boost is ignored.
I thought so, thanks. Does anyone want to buy a SONOS boost? Bought March 2018
Sorry. Trading isn't permitted here.
ok, understood. I'll keep it as a spare for a month before putting it on eBay.
You could get 50-70% of the new price on eBay. But frankly I'd stick it in a cupboard. One day you may expand to a more extensive system and could benefit from having two wired Boosts.

Alternatively you may have a non-Sonos device with only a wired connection that you want to connect into the network, where the Boost could be a handy wireless bridge.