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Hey guys

I am looking into buying the Sub to add to my existing x2 play 1 and the Beam which I already enjoy very much. I understand the sub really improves the sound experience for music and movies. My question is should I buy the Gen 3 or go for the older model which now is 145 dollars cheaper? and how do I tell if it is Gen 1 or 2? I cannot tell from extensive google search a Gen 1 from 2? 

Can I know where you are from and where they are selling the Gen 2 for a 145 bucks less?

Definitely buy the Sub Gen 2 if it is $145 cheaper. I was researching the differences on YouTube and saw this video and from comments, it seems there is no difference and if there is $100 difference, go for the older one.


Airgetlam made an important point, at this moment, no difference. But god knows if they decided to support some features in Gen 3 down the road that is not enabled for Gen 2 because of some small difference between the two.


But at the moment, I am convinced to just get the Gen 2. 

I dont have a sub yet! looking into buy one and with your answers I think i’ll buy the older model. some websites advertise their subs as SSUBG1B which I think stands for sub Gen 1 Black but not sure. Thanks for the tips

Funny thing is I didn't even know there was a Gen 1 or 2 until they announced Gen 3.

I would think the Gen 2 would have to been out for some time. How long have you had your sub?

The simple fact is, right now, it doesn’t make any difference. They all work in the same manner. I don’t think the gen 3 has shipped yet, but both gen 1 and gen 2 are S2 compliant.