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how to tell sub Gen 1 from Gen 2 or Gen 3?

  • 20 May 2020
  • 5 replies

Hey guys

I am looking into buying the Sub to add to my existing x2 play 1 and the Beam which I already enjoy very much. I understand the sub really improves the sound experience for music and movies. My question is should I buy the Gen 3 or go for the older model which now is 145 dollars cheaper? and how do I tell if it is Gen 1 or 2? I cannot tell from extensive google search a Gen 1 from 2? 

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5 replies

The simple fact is, right now, it doesn’t make any difference. They all work in the same manner. I don’t think the gen 3 has shipped yet, but both gen 1 and gen 2 are S2 compliant. 

Userlevel 4
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Funny thing is I didn't even know there was a Gen 1 or 2 until they announced Gen 3.

I would think the Gen 2 would have to been out for some time. How long have you had your sub?

I dont have a sub yet! looking into buy one and with your answers I think i’ll buy the older model. some websites advertise their subs as SSUBG1B which I think stands for sub Gen 1 Black but not sure. Thanks for the tips

Userlevel 1

Definitely buy the Sub Gen 2 if it is $145 cheaper. I was researching the differences on YouTube and saw this video and from comments, it seems there is no difference and if there is $100 difference, go for the older one.


Airgetlam made an important point, at this moment, no difference. But god knows if they decided to support some features in Gen 3 down the road that is not enabled for Gen 2 because of some small difference between the two.


But at the moment, I am convinced to just get the Gen 2. 

Userlevel 1

Can I know where you are from and where they are selling the Gen 2 for a 145 bucks less?