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Hi Sonos,

Please bring Trueplay functionality to the Sonos Port. I think this would significanlty differentiate the Port vs. competing products in the market and for me would make buying the Port a slam-dunk decision in favor of the Port.


My 2-channel audio system currently benefits immensely from room correction but I’m looking to streamline my setup towards a Port as the sole source. I’d also happily pay an optional upcharge for such functionality if it was added and sold as an optional addon. Benefit to me would be in retiring an old PC, monitor and software currently providing digital room correction and simplifying my setup. Benefit to Sonos would be an added revenue stream for Port and more sales of Port’s the members of  the audio community in similar circumstance wanting to yield better performance out of their 2-channel setups and interaction with their listening space.


Would be okay with room measurements being provided via the Sonos app on a mobile phone  though I feel higher quality performance could be yielded if support was added for using a calibrated mic connected via MIDI interface to the Port’s RCA inputs.


Thanks for reading! 

In this scenario Sonos has no control over amplification or speakers, and these would vary enormously, The Port must also constitute a tiny proportion of Sonos’ sales.  I don’t think there is a one in a million chance of this happening.  Just my opinion.

It’s been suggested before, and with the previous incarnation, the CONNECT. The issue is that Sonos doesn’t have the ‘knowledge’ of both the Amp that the Port is connected to, nor the performance of the speakers. I think that presents enough challenges….but then I’m neither a sound nor an electrical engineer. I’m fairly confident the request is somewhere on the backlog, but suspect the cost/benefit equation has kept it from bubbling to the top. 

Not a bad request, though.

In this scenario Sonos has no control over amplification or speakers, and these would vary enormously, The Port must also constitute a tiny proportion of Sonos’ sales.  I don’t think there is a one in a million chance of this happening.  Just my opinion.

You might be right about the proportionality relative to sales that would be up to Sonos to determine. 


Regarding how it could be done at a more techincal level they could design the calibration process within the app to start with playing some white noise while asking the user to stand 3 feet to the back centered between the speakers and adjust the volume on the stereo until the app reads in a predetermined starting point (e.g. 75-80 dB as typically listening volume). This would establish a common baseline.

From there the app would then continue to go through standard Trueplay setup routine that we know today which plays that repetitive sound and gets you to walk around the room waving the phone. App could create the necessary filter, and load it directly into to the Port.

To make the filtering a little more suited at higher volumes, this above could be repeated again at 90 dB so that the software has some understanding of how the room dynamics change as volume increase and create better filtering…as the input to the Port is analog there must be some way of detecting the average voltage of a song played at 80dB vs. one played at 90dB….or they could get clever and and a built in mic in a future version of the Port :)