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Hello all,

I've got 4 monitor audio ceiling speakers (6ohms) that id like to use with a connect amp, they will be in two zones in a larger room so sometimes either pair would be used and sometimes all four would be used together.

Has anyone had any experience using a speaker switch/impedance matching device such as the one linked below;

If so was there any noticeable affects on the sound quality or volume when using either pair or all four speakers.

Thanks in advance

Sound quality may be affected indirectly, because lower sound levels translates into that, but not in any other way. If you select the impedance magnification option, as you should, you may get lower volume when using both pairs; this is being done to protect the amp from excess current demand. You can turn up the volume control of course, but whether that will deliver adequate levels depends on factors unique to your speakers, their installation and how loud you need things to be.