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I've got a my cd player running through a ZP90 and into an amp which works fine, I can control the volume with that from the controller on my phone. When I group this to my Connect Amp I'm able to play the cds through the speakers connected to this amp and am likewise able to play tunes off my phone across both of these systems, The problem comes when I try and add my Play 1 to this group, the zp90 drops out and I can no longer play cds or music to the zp90.

Can any one make any suggestions?

While you're at it I've got two CR100s from the States but haven't been able to add them to my system. Have tried all the standard suggestions but got nowhere.

Thanks in advance
You might try poeering down whole network and powering up one device at a time beginning with router, in case of an IP address conflict.

To connect the CRs you must be running SonosNet, but even then will have to call Sonos Support.
Tried that to no avail. Turned everything that might be connected to the network including laptops and the tvs and then turned the router back on and added the zp 90, all good. added a play 1 seemed ok but when I tried to group with the zp 90 the cd player played through the Play 1 but stopped playing through the speakers that are connected (via a receiver/amp)to the zp 90.

Added my zp120 and other play 5s and they can all play together and can also play from the cd that's connected to the zp 90 but the zp 90 refuses to play anything if it is grouped with anything but the zp120. These two will sometimes play together both from the cd or from the music library but I can't get the zp 90 to play anything when grouped with the other play 1 or play 5 speakers.

Please help
Tried that to no avail. Turned everything that might be connected to the network including laptops and the tvs and then turned the router back on and added the zp 90, all good. added a play 1 seemed ok but when I tried to group with the zp 90 the cd player played through the Play 1 but stopped playing through the speakers that are connected (via a receiver/amp)to the zp 90.

Added my zp120 and other play 5s and they can all play together and can also play from the cd that's connected to the zp 90 but the zp 90 refuses to play anything if it is grouped with anything but the zp120. These two will sometimes play together both from the cd or from the music library but I can't get the zp 90 to play anything when grouped with the other play 1 or play 5 speakers.

Please help

Hi Henry,

Please send in a diagnostic report and reply with the number, I'll take a look for you.
Not a problem anymore, the guys at the Sonos helpdesk were brilliant, talked me thorugh a load of options but still found that for some reson the signal to the ZP90 was really weak.

Turns out I had failed to mention that my stereo (with the zp90) is in an old meatsafe that has a fine wire screen around it (to keep out the flies) but which also interferes with wifi signal. I've taken the zp90 out of the meat safe now and used longer RCA cables to connect it to the stereo and everytjing is working as it should be.

Thanks to everyone for their help, love the gear.

Something like this

Kinda like you put a wifi device in a Faraday cage 🙂
Yeah....., well....... probably wasn't the smartest move for the Sonos but has hidden the stereo for years and allows the remotes to work through it.

All good now though. My next thing to do is ring the Sonos guys during the week so they can walk me through updating my CR100 controllers. They have been really good but I shopuld probably have had the light bulb moment re the wire mesh a bit sooner and helped the understand why the signal was so weak.

Oh well you live and learn