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Hi, my system (two original play 3s, two original play 5s, a connect amp, & a sub) are at present connected via a Sonos bridge. There is also a NAS drive that contains my music library connected via an Ethernet cable direct to my router. 

I’ve just switched ISP & their new router is now in a downstairs location where I am unwilling to plug in the NAS drive due to it being so noisey when it powers up!

I basically need to re-set my system connected to the new WiFi network & was wondering if I could connect the NAS into the bridge rather than the router?

I realise it’s old no longer supported technology but seems to be working ok so intend to keep using it.

Any suggestions please?


I basically need to re-set my system connected to the new WiFi network & was wondering if I could connect the NAS into the bridge rather than the router?


You don’t need to reset anything. Power the whole Sonos system off. Wire the Bridge to the new router. Power the Sonos up again.

If you meant that you intended to configure the system in WiFi/”wireless” mode -- connecting to the new router’s WiFi, and without a Sonos device wired to the network -- then the Bridge becomes redundant. It can’t function in WiFi mode.

I suggest you keep the system in SonosNet/”wired” mode with the Bridge connected to your router. Wire the NAS to the Ethernet port on any Sonos player. In SonosNet mode these ports are live. You’ll then be able to stream from the NAS. Note that bulk transfers won’t be quick at all, as the data has to traverse SonosNet’s wireless, but it should be fine for audio playback.


Thanks for the reply, yes I do intend to keep the system in “wired” mode, I’ll attempt to connect the nas to my connect amp’s Ethernet port since that is the only Sonos component upstairs (where the nas drive is located). The bridge will have to be relocated downstairs to connect to the new router. 

Keep an eye on the Bridge, they have a reputation for causing frustrating issues as the power brick slowly fails.

You might look at replacing the Bridge with a Boost, the Boost supports a newer version of Sonos Net and has a better radio system. You could also replace the Bridge with a Sonos speaker for not much more money (withOne SL) if you wanted music near the router.

Ok, thanks for that. 

Pleased & relieved to see the system seems to be working without issue (fingers crossed) as for the power brick, my bridge has a really compact unit, not much bigger than a uk plug. 


Yes, those are the power supplies which can sometimes lose voltage as they age. As they degrade the symptoms are intermittent, which can be frustrating.