
Unable to setup alexa

  • 9 June 2024
  • 9 replies

Badge +3

Since last update I've started to have problems with the alexa part (never worked much, but ok) 

I've decided then to remove the assistant from my beam, un-installed the app from the phone.


Then I've started all the configuration from scratch. 

All is OK but I cannot install alexa (ok with the Sonos assistant and with Google)



Is there some way to fix it and install back alexa? 🤔 


Best answer by Corry P 10 June 2024, 13:18

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9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @Mutti 

Thanks for your post!

Sorry to hear of the issue you’ve had in adding Alexa to your speakers.

There are numerous reports that uninstalling the Amazon shopping app before trying to add Alexa to Sonos will fix the issue you describe - it forces the use of the browser to then log in to your Amazon account. Please feel free to reinstall the Amazon app again afterwards.

I hope this helps.

Badge +3

Thank you @Corry P ,

Thank you for the community, but I still blame Sonos for the bad development of the app. 

Seems they are more focused on add advertisements in the app instead of fixing (well known) problems. 


I can verify this method finally helped setup Alexa on my new Era 300s.



Userlevel 2

Very disapointing to find out that they know there is a problema and are uable or unwilling to fix it and dump the problem on the consumer.  Not sure Sonos will survive with this level of customer service.   

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Crlsgrc 

Very disapointing to find out that they know there is a problema and are uable or unwilling to fix it and dump the problem on the consumer.

Perhaps I should have added that we are aware of the issue and are investigating - my apologies for not providing this info. The workaround above was given so that @Mutti didn’t have to wait for us to resolve the issue before they could use Alexa on their system - we are not “dumping” the problem on anyone.

I don’t have an ETA for a resolution to this issue.

I hope this helps.

Badge +2

@Corry P I’ve been struggling to add Alexa to my Move for a month now after it randomly stopped working. My other devices have no issues with Alexa. I’ve tried the following suggestions:

  • Rebooting my router
  • Factory resetting the Move
  • Deregistering from Alexa
  • Disabling and re-enabling the Alexa skill
  • Removing and re-adding the voice assistant in the Sonos app (iOS)
  • Restarting my iPhone
  • Uninstalling the Amazon shopping app

None of these attempts have been successful. Chatting with customer support has been frustrating, as they seem unaware that others have experienced this issue.

I’d rather not spend hours on the phone troubleshooting if this is a known issue. Some honesty and clarity would be greatly appreciated.



Another Sonos own goal.

The bad old days of releasing Beta products on customers to iron out the bugs died in 1990s.

Just ask MS.

Every time you release a buggy product ( aka your App) you lose big revenue.

@Corry P 

Please elaborate on what you mean by “uninstalling the Amazon shopping app.” Presumably you mean the general Amazon app? But, install it from where, my phone?

Not shooting the messenger, but hoping you’ll pass this along: If Sonos isn’t aware, the reviews from the past few weeks on the Alexa Sonos skill are scathing because this issue is so widespread. Getting this fixed should be at the top of the corporate emergency flagpole. Brand equity with long time product users is incredibly valuable, and you undoubtedly know from your employee accommodations programs that it is especially important with those of us who have a tastemaker reputation from having worked as CE corporate category managers for some of your major retailers. Now, despite having gone all-in on Sonos, we hesitate when people ask what products we’d recommend. 

This software issue isn’t isolated. The cumbersome history of your multiple apps has been enough to raise an eyebrow at just how premium the entire brand experience actually is. The ongoing 2 apps situation is kludged together with bubble gum and masking tape. This, on the other hand, feels like a straight up abandonment of the software user experience.

Does Sonos have new corporate leadership? This is something typical of an org scrambling to get something out to market under pressure of a new executive who throws “measure twice, cut once” out the window in order to demonstrate an appearance of progress at the expense of what is actually best for the brand and customers.

I sadly won’t be buying or recommending Sonos going forward based on the status quo. 

If you can’t fix it, then dazzle us with exemplary customer service and simply offer a free upgrade to a compatible before we’re jaded into abandoning loyalty. and if you can fix it, you still owe customers a make-good. That is a sure way to salvage your reputation and our loyal recommendations. 
Even Temu proactively offers customers a make-good when they’ve blatantly dropped a ball. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @Mplex 

@Corry P

Please elaborate on what you mean by “uninstalling the Amazon shopping app.” Presumably you mean the general Amazon app? But, install it from where, my phone?

Yes. The Sonos app will usually ask other apps for log in details if available. Something is going wrong when the Sonos app asks the Amazon Shopping app for your credentials, so removing that app from your phone so that the Sonos app is forced to use a browser to log in to your Amazon account seems to avoid this issue.
