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Sonos Play 1 will drop off the system or stay on the system but sound will be intermittent or not at all. I have tried changing the channel from 11 to 1 to 6
No answers in two years! I just nobody love you !
Hello Brian,

A dropped player/zone could be due to a few different factors such as interference or range issues. Is there anything you do to get the unit to reconnect? Is this the only speaker that drops off your system?

Sometimes minor changes such as making sure to separate your wireless router and the Sonos devices by three or more feet, or as far as the cable allows, will improve response and connectivity of the system. If you have a 2.4ghz or DECT cordless phone, please ensure that they are at least 10-15 feet away from the Sonos devices. Do not place the Sonos devices on top of other electronics as they can sometimes cause interference for one another and lastly check the wireless setting of your router and ensure that it not "Auto Channeling" it's wireless channel. This means that it's channel is periodically changing and could land on the same channel as Sonos, which in turn can cause interference for one another. For example, if Sonos is currently on channel 1, you could try putting your router on channel 11 to help combat conflict.Please try this- attempt to re-associate the unit back to the system by opening your Sonos controller on your computer and selecting: Manage > Add a Sonos Component. When you see the picture on the screen hit the PLAY/PAUSE and + to together once and release. 

Once you have added the unit back to the system, attempt to play music to the device. If you notice the device drop again, before you do anything else- perform the following steps:

1) Go over to the unit (do not power the unit down) hold just the minus button on the component for about 4 seconds.

2) Please take note if the PLAY/PAUSE button lights up or does not change.

3) Please me know what what you see.

Please also submit a diagnostic after these tests and I'll be happy to take a look. Please reply back with your number here. 

Is this thread alive?

I'm also having problem with drop offs..

I'm having a SONOS system with two Play:1 paired, one Play Bar and one Play:5. This setup has been working as a charm for at least a year, but one week ago i got problems. SONOS is dropping the sound from first the right speaker (of the paired Play:1), and, after some half minute, the left one. Immedeately after the whole pair disappeares from my controller (PC). The play bar also disappeares at that time.

My system has not been altered in any way. I've had the same LAN/Wifi infrastructure for years without any problems with the SONOS-system  I'm running SONOS on Ch 1 and the Wifi on Ch 11.

I've read numerous of postings regarding this problem, but no solutions. The replies from Officials are all talking about "Interference", but why should this occur just like that? As i mentioned: My system is stable, and hasn't been changed for years. The equipment are on exactly the same spot as they were one year ago. No new radiating devices. Nothing..

The last diagnostics i did just after a drop out has number 4567104
Hello Brian,

A dropped player/zone could be due to a few different factors such as interference or range issues. Is there anything you do to get the unit to reconnect? Is this the only speaker that drops off your system?

Sometimes minor changes such as making sure to separate your wireless router and the Sonos devices by three or more feet, or as far as the cable allows, will improve response and connectivity of the system. If you have a 2.4ghz or DECT cordless phone, please ensure that they are at least 10-15 feet away from the Sonos devices. Do not place the Sonos devices on top of other electronics as they can sometimes cause interference for one another and lastly check the wireless setting of your router and ensure that it not "Auto Channeling" it's wireless channel. This means that it's channel is periodically changing and could land on the same channel as Sonos, which in turn can cause interference for one another. For example, if Sonos is currently on channel 1, you could try putting your router on channel 11 to help combat conflict.Please try this- attempt to re-associate the unit back to the system by opening your Sonos controller on your computer and selecting: Manage > Add a Sonos Component. When you see the picture on the screen hit the PLAY/PAUSE and + to together once and release. 

Once you have added the unit back to the system, attempt to play music to the device. If you notice the device drop again, before you do anything else- perform the following steps:

1) Go over to the unit (do not power the unit down) hold just the minus button on the component for about 4 seconds.

2) Please take note if the PLAY/PAUSE button lights up or does not change.

3) Please me know what what you see.

Please also submit a diagnostic after these tests and I'll be happy to take a look. Please reply back with your number here. 

Hey Susan,

Have you had any luck trying to re-add the PLAY:1 back to the system using the steps above? 

You can try going through the following guided assist page to see if we can get your PLAY:1 reconnected. 

Other quick steps you could try would be to: 

Reboot your router. Unplug your router from power for about 30 seconds, then plug it back in to power. Wait for the network to come back up. Then try to add the unit again. 

Please also submit a diagnostic if you are still experiencing the issue and I'll be happy to take a look. Please reply back with your number here. 
Hello Brian,

A dropped player/zone could be due to a few different factors such as interference or range issues. Is there anything you do to get the unit to reconnect? Is this the only speaker that drops off your system?

Sometimes minor changes such as making sure to separate your wireless router and the Sonos devices by three or more feet, or as far as the cable allows, will improve response and connectivity of the system. If you have a 2.4ghz or DECT cordless phone, please ensure that they are at least 10-15 feet away from the Sonos devices. Do not place the Sonos devices on top of other electronics as they can sometimes cause interference for one another and lastly check the wireless setting of your router and ensure that it not "Auto Channeling" it's wireless channel. This means that it's channel is periodically changing and could land on the same channel as Sonos, which in turn can cause interference for one another. For example, if Sonos is currently on channel 1, you could try putting your router on channel 11 to help combat conflict.Please try this- attempt to re-associate the unit back to the system by opening your Sonos controller on your computer and selecting: Manage > Add a Sonos Component. When you see the picture on the screen hit the PLAY/PAUSE and + to together once and release. 

Once you have added the unit back to the system, attempt to play music to the device. If you notice the device drop again, before you do anything else- perform the following steps:

1) Go over to the unit (do not power the unit down) hold just the minus button on the component for about 4 seconds.

2) Please take note if the PLAY/PAUSE button lights up or does not change.

3) Please me know what what you see.

Please also submit a diagnostic after these tests and I'll be happy to take a look. Please reply back with your number here. 

Hello Joe,

I see that you previously had an incident open with us but we were unable to get in touch with each other. We definitely want to take a closer look at your system and see what is causing the disconnect. 

I've created a ticket for you, reference number: 150302-001697

When you get the chance please give us a call and we'll be happy to investigate further. 
Hello Brian,

A dropped player/zone could be due to a few different factors such as interference or range issues. Is there anything you do to get the unit to reconnect? Is this the only speaker that drops off your system?

Sometimes minor changes such as making sure to separate your wireless router and the Sonos devices by three or more feet, or as far as the cable allows, will improve response and connectivity of the system. If you have a 2.4ghz or DECT cordless phone, please ensure that they are at least 10-15 feet away from the Sonos devices. Do not place the Sonos devices on top of other electronics as they can sometimes cause interference for one another and lastly check the wireless setting of your router and ensure that it not "Auto Channeling" it's wireless channel. This means that it's channel is periodically changing and could land on the same channel as Sonos, which in turn can cause interference for one another. For example, if Sonos is currently on channel 1, you could try putting your router on channel 11 to help combat conflict.Please try this- attempt to re-associate the unit back to the system by opening your Sonos controller on your computer and selecting: Manage > Add a Sonos Component. When you see the picture on the screen hit the PLAY/PAUSE and + to together once and release. 

Once you have added the unit back to the system, attempt to play music to the device. If you notice the device drop again, before you do anything else- perform the following steps:

1) Go over to the unit (do not power the unit down) hold just the minus button on the component for about 4 seconds.

2) Please take note if the PLAY/PAUSE button lights up or does not change.

3) Please me know what what you see.

Please also submit a diagnostic after these tests and I'll be happy to take a look. Please reply back with your number here. 

I have the same issue.
Hello Brian,

A dropped player/zone could be due to a few different factors such as interference or range issues. Is there anything you do to get the unit to reconnect? Is this the only speaker that drops off your system?

Sometimes minor changes such as making sure to separate your wireless router and the Sonos devices by three or more feet, or as far as the cable allows, will improve response and connectivity of the system. If you have a 2.4ghz or DECT cordless phone, please ensure that they are at least 10-15 feet away from the Sonos devices. Do not place the Sonos devices on top of other electronics as they can sometimes cause interference for one another and lastly check the wireless setting of your router and ensure that it not "Auto Channeling" it's wireless channel. This means that it's channel is periodically changing and could land on the same channel as Sonos, which in turn can cause interference for one another. For example, if Sonos is currently on channel 1, you could try putting your router on channel 11 to help combat conflict.Please try this- attempt to re-associate the unit back to the system by opening your Sonos controller on your computer and selecting: Manage > Add a Sonos Component. When you see the picture on the screen hit the PLAY/PAUSE and + to together once and release. 

Once you have added the unit back to the system, attempt to play music to the device. If you notice the device drop again, before you do anything else- perform the following steps:

1) Go over to the unit (do not power the unit down) hold just the minus button on the component for about 4 seconds.

2) Please take note if the PLAY/PAUSE button lights up or does not change.

3) Please me know what what you see.

Please also submit a diagnostic after these tests and I'll be happy to take a look. Please reply back with your number here. 

Did I forget to add ... submitted my diagnostics info. (countless troubleshooting time later ... ) 

The current joy I get when it doesnt work is a message saying 'Searching for your Sonos system...' and it just sits there and I don't get any other options.
Hello Brian,

A dropped player/zone could be due to a few different factors such as interference or range issues. Is there anything you do to get the unit to reconnect? Is this the only speaker that drops off your system?

Sometimes minor changes such as making sure to separate your wireless router and the Sonos devices by three or more feet, or as far as the cable allows, will improve response and connectivity of the system. If you have a 2.4ghz or DECT cordless phone, please ensure that they are at least 10-15 feet away from the Sonos devices. Do not place the Sonos devices on top of other electronics as they can sometimes cause interference for one another and lastly check the wireless setting of your router and ensure that it not "Auto Channeling" it's wireless channel. This means that it's channel is periodically changing and could land on the same channel as Sonos, which in turn can cause interference for one another. For example, if Sonos is currently on channel 1, you could try putting your router on channel 11 to help combat conflict.Please try this- attempt to re-associate the unit back to the system by opening your Sonos controller on your computer and selecting: Manage > Add a Sonos Component. When you see the picture on the screen hit the PLAY/PAUSE and + to together once and release. 

Once you have added the unit back to the system, attempt to play music to the device. If you notice the device drop again, before you do anything else- perform the following steps:

1) Go over to the unit (do not power the unit down) hold just the minus button on the component for about 4 seconds.

2) Please take note if the PLAY/PAUSE button lights up or does not change.

3) Please me know what what you see.

Please also submit a diagnostic after these tests and I'll be happy to take a look. Please reply back with your number here. 

Have you called Sonos to have them look at diagnostic and find the issue?
Hello Brian,

A dropped player/zone could be due to a few different factors such as interference or range issues. Is there anything you do to get the unit to reconnect? Is this the only speaker that drops off your system?

Sometimes minor changes such as making sure to separate your wireless router and the Sonos devices by three or more feet, or as far as the cable allows, will improve response and connectivity of the system. If you have a 2.4ghz or DECT cordless phone, please ensure that they are at least 10-15 feet away from the Sonos devices. Do not place the Sonos devices on top of other electronics as they can sometimes cause interference for one another and lastly check the wireless setting of your router and ensure that it not "Auto Channeling" it's wireless channel. This means that it's channel is periodically changing and could land on the same channel as Sonos, which in turn can cause interference for one another. For example, if Sonos is currently on channel 1, you could try putting your router on channel 11 to help combat conflict.Please try this- attempt to re-associate the unit back to the system by opening your Sonos controller on your computer and selecting: Manage > Add a Sonos Component. When you see the picture on the screen hit the PLAY/PAUSE and + to together once and release. 

Once you have added the unit back to the system, attempt to play music to the device. If you notice the device drop again, before you do anything else- perform the following steps:

1) Go over to the unit (do not power the unit down) hold just the minus button on the component for about 4 seconds.

2) Please take note if the PLAY/PAUSE button lights up or does not change.

3) Please me know what what you see.

Please also submit a diagnostic after these tests and I'll be happy to take a look. Please reply back with your number here. 

I have this issue as well. For whatever reason my Sonos decides to go rogue and can't be found, just about every time I want to listen to music. Very frustrating. Especially trying to convince my wife this is a good system to invest in. I have tried countless strategies getting my sonos connected. 

Deleting my app off my iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Reinstalling the apps.

Getting off my network getting back in my network.

Moving the Sonos around.

Moving the bridge around

Playing with the setting on my router.

Replacing the cable from the bridge to the router. 

Moving the bridge further away from the router.

When it works its great. Then again when it works. So far in my troubleshooting Sonos claims it can't be their product, must be one of my settings. Funny, my airplay devices all work great.

Super frustrating. 
Hello Brian,

A dropped player/zone could be due to a few different factors such as interference or range issues. Is there anything you do to get the unit to reconnect? Is this the only speaker that drops off your system?

Sometimes minor changes such as making sure to separate your wireless router and the Sonos devices by three or more feet, or as far as the cable allows, will improve response and connectivity of the system. If you have a 2.4ghz or DECT cordless phone, please ensure that they are at least 10-15 feet away from the Sonos devices. Do not place the Sonos devices on top of other electronics as they can sometimes cause interference for one another and lastly check the wireless setting of your router and ensure that it not "Auto Channeling" it's wireless channel. This means that it's channel is periodically changing and could land on the same channel as Sonos, which in turn can cause interference for one another. For example, if Sonos is currently on channel 1, you could try putting your router on channel 11 to help combat conflict.Please try this- attempt to re-associate the unit back to the system by opening your Sonos controller on your computer and selecting: Manage > Add a Sonos Component. When you see the picture on the screen hit the PLAY/PAUSE and + to together once and release. 

Once you have added the unit back to the system, attempt to play music to the device. If you notice the device drop again, before you do anything else- perform the following steps:

1) Go over to the unit (do not power the unit down) hold just the minus button on the component for about 4 seconds.

2) Please take note if the PLAY/PAUSE button lights up or does not change.

3) Please me know what what you see.

Please also submit a diagnostic after these tests and I'll be happy to take a look. Please reply back with your number here.