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I have NOT been able to use my Sonos for several months. My You/See playliste cannot be played anylonger. 
Today I managed to hear one song from my playlist - but this could not be closed and I could again not play any songs from my YouSee list.

I am very very tired of Sonos - and I have Updated and connected again and again as it falls out. 
What can I do 

Do any other music sources work for you?

Have you unplugged your One SL and rebooted your router and plugged the One SL back in?

Make sure you are on the latest update, it fixed some stuff but there is more needing fixed.

Thanks a lot. It is the same with radio, and other music sources. I managed to hear one sang this morning - but then this cannot be shut down - and when I try to listen to another play list, I get the message, that there is no connection at the moment.


I have nearly given up on Sonos, as I have spent hours on this. I have had Sonos in 4 years and it worked perfectly with my YouSee play list, before the many updates and changes. 

Hey @Søs123 velkommen til communitiet!
Vi kan enten tage den på dansk eller engelsk, det er op til dig.

@Stanley_4 har en god pointe med at genstarte det hele, da elektronik ofte har godt af at blive genstartet en gang imellem. Især routere når de bliver ældre.

Hvis du har genstartet routeren og din højtaler, men stadig får den fejl i appen, så kunne det tyde på der skal tages en diagnostik, for at support kan se hvad der specifikt fejler.

Diagnostikken skal tages lige efter du oplever fejlen. Når det er gjort, kan du smide en besked her, uden at skrive diagnostiknummeret. Så kan tjekke diagnostikken og forhåbentlig se hvor fejlen ligger.  Det kan være noget så simpelt som routeren der skal konfigureres korrekt.

Du kan også altid kontakte vores support på telefon eller chat:


Mike H
