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I have a Sonos Roam and all of the sudden it started smoking. I immediately unplugged it from the wall and noticed the USB C cable was starting to melt into it. It no longer powers on. 
has anyone else experienced this?

This speaker is usually kept in our bathroom and perhaps the condensation built up? This is just crazy to me.   

I haven’t contact support yet. I’ll contact support tomorrow morning, first thing.

And yes it was plugged in with the factory Sonos USBC cable in a GFCI outlet no less. 

Don’t attempt to charge the unit again and contact SONOS support. I suspect that this is an issue with the charging cable, but of course I cannot know this for certain from my seat.

If you can, take a good picture of the unit showing the USB connection to ROAM and the cable damage.

We don’t know if there is any possibility of a battery incident. By now the unit should be cool to the touch. Until we know more about the failure I recommend stowing the unit such that, if it overheats, it will not damage anything near it.

I have experienced exactly the same problem. The usb-c cable started melting and smoking… Crazy! The plastic was dripping on my finger and the Roam was Hot. Luckily I was working home and could unplug the device. But this doesn't feel right...

Have you contacted Sonos directly, as suggested in the post directly before yours?