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 I’ve been trying to install my Sonos roam speaker since Christmas. My Sonos system is ethernet connected and consists of  7 speakers including a Sonos move. I have a TPLink AC 1750 router.  The Sonos Roam Is does not connect to WiFi and is not visible Bluetooth.


I have read through the documentation, i have tried resetting the speaker multiple times. I have tried connecting via Bluetooth with multiple devices. Nothing has worked.

i am now at dead stop with the following characteristics:

I am stuck at the flashing green light, i.e. ready for set up.
I do not hear a chime when I power off


any ideas.

I would perhaps also just check the network and mobile controller device (for an S2 HH) meets the requirements shown in the two links below:

System Requirements: 

S2 Sonos App Requirements:

Is the AC1750 router your only WiFi access point? Will your existing system switch/run on your AC1750 WiFi signal, rather than SonosNet🤔? (just curious to see if there is perhaps an issue with your router?)