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I have several Sonos devices including two Sonos Move. I’ve had them for a while, and lately they have started acting wierd. Both Sonos Move (and only the Sonos Moves) suddently stops playing the music and starts with an buzzing sound. To fix this I need to start and stop the music, and then its ok for some time and then this repeats for some times.

I looks like this happens in the beginning of turing on the music, and after stop/start a couple of times it works for a longer period.

I have tried changing wifi channels, and ensure to only have one wifi network avalible.

I have a mesh network and uses th 5Ghz net.

An update after having contact with support.

This is a bug related to the service provided by NRK Radio. This is a known issue and will be solved in future update.

Your best bet would be to call Sonos Support directly to discuss it.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and network.