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Just about had it with Sonos to be quite frank, issue after issue after issue..


the new one is that my Move (which has worked perfectly with other speakers) has decided now that it no longer likes working with the other speakers on my network. It’ll show as if it’s playing on the app but nothing is happening. If I start playing music on one speaker and then add it to the group the track will stop, then start again on the move but no longer on the original speaker. Likewise if I start on the move and group another speaker it’ll stop playing altogether and start again on the new speaker.


I’ve rebooted the speaker 

I’ve reset my router 

I’ve unplugged the Ethernet from one of my speakers so that they’re all connecting via WiFi 

It’s not a distance issue as the router and move are fairly close..


any suggestions.. as I say, pretty fed up with this now. I just want the system to work as it should. 

@Daniel C. 

Are there wifi repeaters on your network? Sounds like a typical problem of that. 

Have you rebooted your router while the speaker was unplugged? This sounds a lot like a duplicate IP address issue. 

32 is the number of supported speakers. If you’re having issues below that number, I’d definitely submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your network and Sonos system. 

I agree with @Airgetlam as I have 32 units on my WiFi mesh network. No such issues as described in this thread.

I’ve been having the same problem, which started after I added an Era 300 and Era 100 to my menagerie of devices.  My theory is that I now have more devices operating than can comfortably be accommodated by the system.  If I take a few out of the group, including the Move, and then add them back one by one, the Move starts playing again.  It’s not an elegant solution and it shouldn’t be necessary, but it works.


When audio is playing in a group, one of your Sonos rooms/speakers operates as the group coordinator.  It is responsible for getting the audio from a streaming source, or where ever the audio is retrieved, and sending it to the other members of the group.  If you remove the coordinator from the group, then the system will automatically switch the group coordinator.  So I suspect that your action to remove of removing rooms from the group is effectively changing the coordinator from a device that doesn’t communicate well with the Move, to a coordinator that does.  This fits with the experiences you’ve been having.  Still a problem to resolve, but not a matter of too many devices in your system.

I agree that getting a system diagnostic  and contacting Sonos is the way to go.  I would probably also try rebooting (unplugging for a few seconds) the router and all your speakers too, if you have not tried that already.

I’ve been having the same problem, which started after I added an Era 300 and Era 100 to my menagerie of devices.  My theory is that I now have more devices operating than can comfortably be accommodated by the system.  If I take a few out of the group, including the Move, and then add them back one by one, the Move starts playing again.  It’s not an elegant solution and it shouldn’t be necessary, but it works.