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Thank you in advance!! My mind is doing over time…

sonos working as I type,

trying to set it to a new room after a move. 
setting and preferences blank on the app so I’m unable to change.. it won’t find my device on Wi-Fi so will I have no choice to add the earthera cable? 

any help is appreciated 

It’s all working thank you all xx much appreciated xx 


Click the link to learn how to setup your Sonos with a new router.



this is currently what I’m dealing with. 🤯 no device found. I’ve moved home and had a new router fitted. I’ve reset and unplugged but we can hear it working but would like to use the app to rest the room.. ect.. 

thank you 




When you say “After a Move” do you mean you moved to a new location (dwelling)? If so did you”

  1. Change to a different ISP?
  2. Use the same router and change the WiFi password?
  3. Setup a new router?
  4. Setup and entirely different network (i.e. Mesh and/or add extenders)?
  5. Any combination of the above?

Edit: Looks like we all responded at the same time. LOL


Are you using the same router as you used at your previous place?

Try unplugging the speaker from power for a couple of minutes and reboot your router and phone.

Sounds like the app is having trouble ‘seeing’ the speaker. Yes, it might help if you were to temporarily wire the speaker to your router with an Ethernet cable. You could probably just reboot the speakers as well as the router, and ‘fix’ it that way, but it depends really on what issue is keeping the controller from seeing the speakers.