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Hi All,

I likely have the worst acoustic space known to man.  My Sonos Arc SL is mounted on the edge of an entertainment center, roughly 26 inches up from the floor.  It sits a good 14 inches from the wall.  Please see pictures of my room but here are the rough dimensions. 

Room is probably 50 feet long (from Sonos, straight out to the far wall).

There are several posts throughout the room.  

The room width is roughly 30 feet.

My chairs are probably 8 feet from the Sonos and are directly in front of it.  I have Sofa’s on each side but they are not the primary sitting area.

Ceiling is roughly 9 feet.

Standing in front of hte Sonos, the right side is open another 14 feet until the wall.

Here are my questions:

  1. How should I run the second part of the true play calibration?  Just around my sitting area or try to go to all edges of the wall on the ends of the basement?
  2. Per the Peter Pee video, should I angle my Arc soundbar a bit to get better ATMOS.
  3. Any other recommendations?
  4. My music (Tidal HD) sounds a bit questionnable, it is a bit “airy” on some soundtracks.  Jazz sounds incredible but as example, The Greatest Showman” music soundtrack on Tiday sounds terrible.

Here are pics of space


I lean to doing just your preferred seating area but since it is fairly easy to try different configurations the old fashioned “try something and listen” option is your best bet.