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New Sonos beam speaker is connected and working with t.v. the app will always fail after setting up speaker. Speaker continues to work through app failures. I can reset everything from app to internet and beam. Once speaker installs app fails and can't find system and sometimes no system found on this account. Everything on same network and 2ghz I would just like to have full access to settings. Any ideas?

I’m not familiar with your modem-non-router device, but I see Charter Spectrum supply routers free of charge to those who lease their modem (from what I quickly read online). 

On looking at the Sonos system requirements HERE, a router is required as part of the general requirement for Sonos to work, so it may pay to explore using a router as part of your network setup perhaps?

I’m connected through Charter Spectrum Modem. No router or access points or switches. I use a galaxyA01 phone for controller. Os is android version 10.

Can you perhaps provide more details about your network setup - details of router/access-points/switches and the device you are using as your Sonos controller, including model and operating system details, otherwise I’m not sure anyone will be able to assist you without a little more detail.