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Hello Everyone. I'm new here and new to Sonos. Please help me with two questions, as I set up my TV viewing experience. 


It's a small room with little wall space in the rear. The couch is against the rear wall, which is mostly a window with a bit of wall on either side.

First, I'm wondering if Era 100s would be sufficient, or 300s would be better and work well in a set up right above our heads.

Second, we don't want them mounted on the wall... rather we're making niches for them. We will put them in the niches with their fronts sticking out to minimize sound degradation from being enclosed in niches. Has anyone tried this? Think it'll be fine? Does the sound come out other than from the front?

I really appreciate your advice. 


I think your plan isn‘t a quite good idea at all for a speaker. But if you will do so this won’t work with Era300, because they need a minimum of distance to the walls and work with reflection.

Maybe with a pair of Era100 you will get a listenimg experience you are satisfied with. 

Thank you for your advice! 

I’d think the Era-100s would be your best option too. All sound out the front.


You could order a pair and make some temporary stands to put them as close to where you want to cut the niches and see how they sound.