Asking YouTube Music to play a song, and getting - "Sure Playing [...]" and then "Sorry I can't find what you asked for"

  • 2 December 2019
  • 7 replies

Userlevel 1

Just got the Sonos One, connected to Google Assistant with YouTube Music.

Some music commands work well, but some I get “Sure Playing [song name]” and right after that “Sorry I can’t find what you asked for”. 

It doesn’t seems to be the connection with YouTube Music because some songs do work.

Could it be that the Sonos see only a portion of the YouTube Music library? 

When I search for the song in the YouTube Music App, I see it, but when I search for it in the Sonos App (connected to same YouTube Music account), I cannot see it.

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7 replies

Same experience here.  Asking the Google Assistant (either from my phone or from a Nest Mini in another room) to play a specific album in room_name results in “Sure playing … on device_name” followed immediately by “Sorry, I can’t find what you asked for.”  A few more details:

  • Sonos device is a Move (my first Sonos device)
  • Room name in Sonos app is “Move”
  • Room name in Google Home app is “Move”
  • No other Assistant devices are assigned to the “Move” room in Google Home app
  • Google Play Music is set as a music source in both Sonos app and Google Home app (and is the default music provider in the latter)
  • Google Play Music was authorized for both Sonos and Google Assistant using the same Google account
  • Using the “cast” functionality from the Google Play Music app and choosing the Move works correctly
  • Using the Sonos app’s Search functionality to play from Google Play Music works correctly
  • Interestingly, asking the Google Assistant to play a specific song on Move does work correctly

Learning that it’s not possible to group Sonos devices with Google Home devices or to make a Sonos device the default speaker for a Google Home device was disappointing.  But broken voice controls might be a deal breaker. 



Yes. I’m returning mine back.

My main interest was obtaining the best sound possible in my GHome ecosystem. I got a bunch of diferent GHs spread around the house and I can’t afford Sonos becoming an ‘alternate’ speaker group which won’t play in sync with my other GH speaker groups.

When this gets fixed I might buy it again. 

I'm also getting this message. I also just got my Sonos One.  The song plays from any other google assistant device with the same command but not on Sonos.

I have the same problem with Sonos One and Google Play Music.

Us too.  Everything was working fine (at least relatively so) until recently.  Now whenever we ask our google home to “play Capital UK on Sonos”  it replies “Ok Capital UK from tune in…. Sorry, I can’t find what you asked for” … yet if I go into the Sonos client, Capital UK is sitting right there and happily plays when I launch it from there.  I have a Play One and a standard Google Home….

Similar issue here. Playing a song works fine, an album or Playlist doesn't on my Play:5

+1   same here.

just got my sonos one... Should I return it? 🤔