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It’s that time of the year again, and we are back with another Halloween event!


To kick things off we wanted to create the ultimate Halloween playlist. 

We know Sonos have created a few of their own, with different playlists to set the mood for a spooky evening. But we think we can make a better one with our friends over at Deezer.


Need some inspiration? Deezer have you covered with their halloween category.



So show us what you got! Maybe a song from a specific movie? Maybe it is a specific soundtrack or you have a classic halloween song you feel always fits for any halloween party?


You can find the playlist here, and enjoy the best soundtrack for this Halloween 😎


Want even more Halloween fun? Head over to our Crosswords puzzle for a chance to win our giveaway! 👀


There’s irony, remind us, how do you create a new playlist in the new app? 

There’s irony, remind us, how do you create a new playlist in the new app? 

If I recall correctly Patrick said the new Sonos create playlist functionality is to screenshot your queue. Refer to the pics when you want to listen again 🤣 


There’s irony, remind us, how do you create a new playlist in the new app? 

Some instructions here:





Thanks for the reminder of the Adams Family. Need to add that to my movie night list!

I will say this is also a classic I need on the list!