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Having made the reluctant move from Google Play Music to Youtube Music, I have found the Sonos search results for YTM quite poor.


The search results for GPM included your library. For me, this result was much more useful than the general search result (which often includes loads of singles and remixes that I’ve no interest in). For YTM is does not seem to search my library.


Even if I browse the YTM service and look directly at my library, the album list is both incomplete and in an unhelpful order (the order that I added them to YTM).


Are there any settings that I’m missing that’ll make YTM search more usable in the Sonos App?


Google plans to shut down Play Music soon. It is providing a library migration service to YouTube Music.


Having looked at it closer, the Sonos app only shows the 100 most recently added albums/artists of my YTM library. I have no issues with the Play Music library in the Sonos App.





Jumping on this slightly old thread, I am having the same issue. I am really unhappy about Google Play Music shutting down, and have been trying YouTube Music out as the replacement.


In Sonos, the experience is far inferior to GPM for the following four reasons. I don’t know if these are things the Sonos team can fix given some of them are also present in YTM’s own app:

  1. When I search for an artist and click on their name under ‘YouTube Music’ and the ‘Uploads’ sub-heading, it simply lists all of the songs in an apparently random order (perhaps the chronological order of when YTM imported them from GPM?). By comparison, if I click on the artist’s name for GPM it first shows me all of their albums, which I can then click on to play, or pick individual songs. This is much more usable.
  2. When I browse YTM and go into the library, all of my music is one further click away within ‘Uploads’. I mostly want to look at that music, not all of the tracks in YTM’s streaming service.
  3. There is no way to browse YTM by genre, which I have always found a really useful and enjoyable way to explore my music collection.
  4. When controlling it with Google Assistant, it seems to default to the YTM stream collection rather than my own music collection, and there isn’t an option to change this. I have a lot of music in my own collection which I consider to be particularly good/enjoyable recordings, and don’t want the first random recording YTM throws out (I think the same issue may be there with GPM?)

I spent a couple of hours yesterday looking at alternatives to GPM and YTM - places I could store my music in the cloud to then stream via Sonos - but couldn’t find anything. Suggestions welcome! I don’t really want to have to buy a NAS drive and go via that.




Hello @Kevin_116,

Welcome to the Sonos Community and thank you for reaching out with your question. 

Can I ask what precipitated your change from Google Play Music to YouTube Music?

The search-ability and control of these Music Services is mostly governed by the service or the music partner themselves. 

Are you having any other issues with your Sonos app or other music services?

Have you built up playlists or tracks within the YouTube Music Service similar to your Google Music account?

Can you provide any screenshots of this issue so that we can have a better understanding of the service behavior within Sonos? 

Hi @Kevin_116 

Thank you for reminding me about that, I had quite forgotten. 

Hopefully the interface will improve before Google Play Music shuts down since there are quite a few who use this service with Sonos. 

I’ll be sure to pass your feedback along to our development team for some attention.  

The YouTube UI within the Sonos app is designed, developed, and maintained by YouTube, not Sonos.  Sonos merely supplies an API.  It is best to lobby over at YouTube as well as here.