Hi, i was away for a few days, so couldn’t test…
@Corry P : That’s a nice workaround!
@jgatie When i wanting to go lower than 8, that didn’t work anymore, because then i would hit the mute button. But now that i have a volume limit set on 65%, this indeed works ok now.
Thanks for the tips!
For low volume, slide it al the way down, then tap on the right.
Hi, i was away for a few days, so couldn’t test…
@Corry P : That’s a nice workaround!
@jgatie When i wanting to go lower than 8, that didn’t work anymore, because then i would hit the mute button. But now that i have a volume limit set on 65%, this indeed works ok now.
Thanks for the tips!
For fine volume control, tap to either side of the slider. This will move the slider a single increment.
I find using the volume buttons on my phone and tablet a lot less frustrating than using the slider on the App.
Even a “smart” volume slider, one that popped up along the long axis of the screen, rather than the short one would be a plus.
Hi @storkontheroof
Welcome to the Sonos Community!
Thank you - I've marked this thread as a feature request and it will be seen by the relevant teams for consideration. Keep the ideas coming!
In the meantime, have you tried setting a volume limit on your speaker? It doesn’t increase the granularity of the volume, but it should make it easier to be accurate with your touchscreen slider control - you’d need to move your finger further to get the same increase in volume.
You can set a volume limit by going to Settings » System » yroom name] » Volume Limit. If you set it to 50%, 100% volume in the app will be 50% actual volume, and the slider will need to move twice as much to reach it.
I hope this helps.