Hi @Burtqwert
Ah - ok. Things are becoming a lot clearer!
I do not see the same behaviour on my Android, so I think we can safely put this down to the reported issue that some experience on iOS devices, in that the EQ sliders are not operating correctly. Your experience is a bit different from that reported, which led me astray a little, but it certainly seems connected. Most reports are actually a bit worse/more annoying/less functional than yours, so it sounds like you actually got a toned-down version of the problem.
Although we do not have an estimate for when this will be fixed, we are aware and are currently working on a resolution.
Hi @Burtqwert & @gearHunter
We believe this issue to now be resolved with the most recent update (15.7). Please ensure your Sonos system is up to date.
If you still experience this issue, however, I’d encourage you get in touch with our technical support team to report as much. Thank you.
Hi @gearHunter
I also have this issue, any update on timescale for a fix?
I have no further information at this time.
Hi @Burtqwert
Thanks for your post!
I confess that at first I had no idea what you were referring to as I’ve never noticed any of this behaviour on my phone, but my colleague reported that both his Android and iPhone did this. But, rather than it being the phone making clicking noises, it is instead haptic feedback (vibration). Therefore, I think checking the following phone settings may restore things to how they were for you:
On Android:
- Open your device’s Settings app .
- Tap Accessibility.
- Tap Vibration & haptic strength.
- Review or change the following settings: Ring vibration. Notification vibration. Touch feedback.
On iPhone:
- Open the Settings app.
- Go to Sounds & Haptics > Keyboard Feedback.
- Turn Haptic on or off.
Regarding the volume of the speaker not changing until you let go of the slider, neither of us could reproduce this behaviour. A reboot of your phone may help.
I hope this helps.
Hi Corry P,
Actually I didn’t explain it too well in my first post,
I have an iPhone 13 Pro, and the heptic feedback on the volume control is working fine. I get a clear and defined click for each increment the sound level is moved. I can do this for stereo pair speakers and also individuals or groups.
The “change” however that has occurred is on the “popup’ EQ sliders. Previously when I clicked on the symbol that opens the popup to change my left and right channels or adjust base/treble, I would get the same type of heptic feedback as the volume slider, for each increment a click and also for each increment a visual “value” (number)
Now, when I slide the base/treble or left/right slider I get NO heptic feedback and the value does not change until I take away my finger.
Interestingly the other ‘difference” is that of the actual sound coming from the speakers. When I slide the volume slider, for each “increment” the volume on the speakers responds accordingly.
But, on the base/treble left/right sliders I can slide fully left or right and the response to the speaker doesn’t come until I remove my finger.
This has only just changed, I think with the last update. I know this because it is a feature that I have been enjoying because on some tracks I need to balance my right speaker slightly higher because it is further away from me. I generally know what value to set the speaker at and could slide incrementally to that value. But now I need to slide, remove finger look at value. Slide, remove finger, look at value. Keep doing this until value is seen.
Sorry for the long response but I find it fascinating a) that this has changed and b) that until a minor feature like this disappears how much difference it make to ease of use.
Hi @Burtqwert
Ah - ok. Things are becoming a lot clearer!
I do not see the same behaviour on my Android, so I think we can safely put this down to the reported issue that some experience on iOS devices, in that the EQ sliders are not operating correctly. Your experience is a bit different from that reported, which led me astray a little, but it certainly seems connected. Most reports are actually a bit worse/more annoying/less functional than yours, so it sounds like you actually got a toned-down version of the problem.
Although we do not have an estimate for when this will be fixed, we are aware and are currently working on a resolution.
Hi Corry,
I also have this issue, any update on timescale for a fix?