Update Music Index - Music Files not Available

  • 21 November 2021
  • 6 replies

Hello, I’ve recently updated my sonos port, probably should not have.  I can longer update my music library.  I’ve verified the files are there, shared, and accessible and can play them with a pc using winamp.


I have the music stored on an external usb drive mounted on the router.  I’m very frustrated, followed the threads with similar problems with no success.  

I’m hoping I can run a diagnostic report and someone can help me out!



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6 replies

I’m not understanding your question. The display in Music Library Settings does not behave the same as a computer operating system file system drill down. You cannot drill down and view all of the files, only the top level will be shown for each folder (maximum of 16 folders). As you add sub folders and tracks using standard computer operating system tools (such as file copy) then Update Music Library, the Albums, Artists, tracks, etc. will become visible in the Music Library shown in a SONOS controller. Newly added tracks will not become visible in the SONOS Music Library shown on SONOS controllers prior to running Update Music Library.

I am able to add a folder to the music library, but my question, or problem is… can the folder I’m trying to add only have music files, mp3, or can I have subfolders beneath the top folder I’m trying to add,   It seems to add a folder without any file structure below.

Here are instructions for library setup,

Maybe someone can answer this question.


Does sonos no longer allow folders added to the music library if they have another folder file system within, ie.





I used to have the MyMusic as the only folder added and within Sonos access to the entire structure.  Seems like they no longer allow the top folder only to be added, does anyone know if there is a workaround, very annoying having to add each folder, I must have close to a thousand.

Okay, so messing around with this some more…


It appears sonos no longer reads a file hierarchy structure,  I was able to add a single folder with music files at a time,  this is a pain since all my albums are in their respective folders. 


Anybody else have this issue?  I wish I never pushed the update. 

So, have you re-set the file location in the Sonos controller? Has the router had a software update? 

Usually, Sonos works better on an NAS, but some routers cab ‘fake’ an attached drive as an actual NAS, but frequently you have to turn on the feature, and I’ve seen some cases in which it gets turned off when the routers software get updated. That would be the first place I’d look. Sonos uses SMB v1 and NTML v1 to access files on an NAS, and that’s another thing that often gets turned off when a device such as a router or NAS gets updated, you probably should check your router for those settings, too. Since the Sonos ‘sees’ music from the speaker/Port device, and not through your PC, whether or not WinAmp can see the files doesn’t tell you anything about the Sonos system. 

But sure, you can also run a diagnostic and contact Sonos support directly, just make sure you write down that number for when you call in.