Sonos radio is not launching some TuneIn stations anymore
Hello there,
Sonos Radio seems unable to launch some of the TuneIn stations anymore. For instance, all the stations from Radio France (french national network) are unresponsive : franceinfo, France Inter, France culture… When selected and launch, nothing happens.
This does not happen with other Sonos radio stations nor with other TuneIn stations.
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The solution is to go in “Add music service” in Sonos App and you will find the addon “Radio France” service. Install the service et you will get France Inter, France Info, France Bleu, Culture, musique FIP and Mouv’
Hi @F4e
Welcome to the Sonos Community!
Sonos Voice Control is not compatible with either the Radioplayer, nor the Radio France, music services. As a result, you will no longer be able to play Radio France with a command given via SVC.
I believe there is an option, however, to add the France Inter skill to Alexa - this would allow the voice-commanded ability to play such stations on your Sonos speakers.
I hope this helps.
Thanks so much! You save my life!
Thank you so much, Nautjp! I am now listening once again to Musique de Films ...and I see all France Musique channels are available, including the wonderful FIP — maybe the most varied, eclectic & phenomenally-well-curated radio station — and even the new Piano Zen, which wasn’t available via TuneIn. Very grateful for letting us know!
Hi @F4e
Good to hear it’s an improvement for you too! Did you know you can have Alexa and Sonos Voice Control running on the same speaker at the same time? No need to use one or the other!
I hope this helps.
Hi @ozedix
Welcome to the Sonos Community!
To play something from France Inter via a Google Assistant command, I believe you would first need to add France Inter to Google Assistant - but, as far as I am aware, that is not an option. I don’t think Radioplayer is an option either. You could ask Google to include these, but I don’t think it would happen quickly.
Therefore, I can only recommend you remove Google Assistant from your speaker and install Alexa instead. Or, install the Alexa app on your phone and give it the command to play on your Sonos speaker each time.
I hope this helps.
@Corry P was right ! It works perfectly with Alexa (and unfortunately not with Google Assistant as @ozedix reported...)
I don't know if every steps below are necessary but it worked for me.
On smartphone :
- install "Radio France" app, create an account and login
- in sonos app (with Roam switched on) : add "Alexa" as vocal assistant.
- during this process you have to connect with an existing account (or create one). I didn't have to select any music app.
On sonos Roam :
"Alexa, play France Inter"
The radio is played with "radio France" !!!
It's launched really quicker than with sonos Voice/tune in. About 1s versus 10 to 15s with tune in !
Once more, there are no adds ;o)
Thanks you very much @Corry P for your answer.
Indeed, i'll try to switch to Alexa or Google assistant (this one integrates Radio France app). I'll Come back for feedback.
Nautjp's answer is great for use with smartphone.
I've installed Radioplayer and Radio France on Sonos app.
Nevertheless, i own a Sonos Roam with Sonos Voice Control. As i ask "play France Inter" or "play France Inter with Radioplayer", Roam always plays "France Inter" (french radio) through Tune In ; so as this service is no longer available, it plays "white noise" radio :o(
How can i do ton play this Radio with Sonos Voice Control ? Which sentence is correct, please ?
Thank you for your replies !!!
Very cool this Radio France app ! However, they might have lost many users in the process. I think a small mail to everyone using these stations on TuneIn and Sonos radio would be nice.
"Happy it’s help ;)"
Sadly, it’s often the problem with all these third-party agreements involving multiple companies. Chances are that Sonos was not even informed of the change, and TuneIn and Radio France don’t know your email address since it’s in Sonos' database.
This is extremely disappointing. I listen to France Musique channels at least 2-3 hrs each day — phenomenal curation of many types of music. The Replaio app is no help, as France Musique channels are already available to listen via their own websites ...but that means being tied to lower fidelity computer sound. France Musique deserves better.
The only ray of hope is that France Musique is saying that its channels will be available directly on Sonos soon. Please make that happen!
Thank you for your replies !!!
Very cool this Radio France app ! However, they might have lost many users in the process. I think a small mail to everyone using these stations on TuneIn and Sonos radio would be nice.
You could certainly ask the Replaio folks to join the Sonos fold by pointing them to the Sonos partners page. Probably not an immediate solution, though.
I used to use google assistant to play France Inter everyday.
Since it changes with Radio France app directly in Sonos, I added the Radio France service, anyway each time I ask Google Assistant to play France Inter, it stills tries to play France Inter with tune-in, and therefore point on an american radio Hott 95.3 !
I have updated all apps, and uninstalled the google assistant service and reinstalled it.
I even uninstalled Tune In service in the Sonos app, it’s now not liste in my services, but even tough, the voice still says “Ok let’s play France Inter with Tune-in” (in french as I am french ) and route to Hott radio !
If I ask, please play France Inter on Radio France, it first answer “sure, let’s play France Inter on Radio France”, and then say “sorry, an error occured”.
How can I do ?
Not specifically a Sonos issue. Same thing happening on TuneIn where Radio France stations are now identified as "no longer available". This is nota transient problem as the distribution agreement between Radio France and TuneIn could not be extended beyond 02-APR-2024. Cfr.
However all Radio France stations are available on the Replaio app, but that doesn't make them accessible on Sonos I'm afraid.
Also, on Sonos Radio there's only RFI Africa as far as I can see.
Have you called SonosSupport directly to discuss it?
They’re certainly responsible for Sonos Radio, although not as much so for TuneIn. But if the issue is happening on Sonos Radio, they probably have more weight.
Yes I’ve noticed the same thing today. None of the France Musique channels are responsive via Sonos/TuneIn.