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A strange thing is happening when using SONOS + Spotify on these tracks:

I can hear a very disturbing click on the very first note.

This doesn’t happen when the tracks are played on SONOS off my library. It doesn’t happen when using Spotify on my iphone. It’s only when the two are combined.

Can anyone else hear this and any ideas what’s happening?



I understand and thank you

My confirmation number is 205890041

Look forward to hearing back if anyone has ‘hard’ data :)

It might help the Sonos folks if you were to recreate this issue, and then submit a system diagnostic, and call Sonos Support to discuss it, or post the diagnostic number here for a Community Moderator to pick up.

It’s likely there would be more ‘hard’ data there that might help them track down what the issue is, if it happens to be specific to your system, and not reproducible in their QA department.