Track file names are not displayed for most library views. Many rippers, particularly for classical titles, throw a lot of characters into the track file names. It’s relatively easy to batch edit the metadata and shorten the file names, thus reducing the library index memory requirement. In my own library my tracks are named “trk01.flac”, etc. (01.flac, 02.flac etc. would also be acceptable) Each CD is stored in its own folder.
The memory in the speakers needs to be expanded 10X
It’s a very good time to get Plex as the lifetime subscription fee is discounted for the day.
Hi @keckel,
I think my wording may have been misleading. All speakers have the same 3.6mb limit, with the music library index being effected by metadata, file structure of the indexed folder, and bad flash memory on older speakers. Adding a new speaker to your system would only bring it back to the 3.6mb limit and likely wont fix the issue you’re experiencing, which is more to do with the tracks themselves.
So I still would suggest that Plex is the way to go, this way you don’t have to add any new devices to your system or mess with your existing library.
Thank you for the reponse. I am not against updating equipment. I have a hybrid system. Which new speakers have sufficient memory for my collection? This way, I can avoid buying new and NOT fixing the problem.
Hi @keckel,
I’ve had a look into the diagnostic that was on your account and can see you’re hitting the memory limit on your speakers.
Sonos needs to index the tracks for your music library and they’ll be stored on the speakers. While there is a 65,000 track limit, there is also a 3.6 MB Store Size Limit as well as tracks potentially taking up more space due to more metadata. Due to hitting the track and memory limit, this will be what is preventing you from making changes and updating.
I understand you’ve cleaned up a few tracks from your music library, but it’s likely you’re still hitting this limit. The speakers you have in your system are quite old, with the Play:3 being over 10 years old. Due to the age of the speakers, they have less memory to work with than newer devices.
In this case, I’d recommend using Plex since you’ve reached the track and memory limit with Sonos, as it works separately from the 65,000 tracks you have on Sonos.
I hope this information helps!
Spent yesterday do exactly that. Diagnostics did not help. The tech said it was a software limit that is outside of my control. I have trimmed down some duplications in my collection but nothing has removed the error when updating my index.
Hi @StarKiller and @keckel,
While iTunes does have a track limit for playlists, and a playlist limit, you’re not anywhere near close to hitting it.
While you’re both getting the same error, it’s likely for different reasons, so in this case I’d recommend you reach out to our support team as they have the tools necessary to troubleshoot this issue.
Before you call in, it would be best to trigger a diagnostics right after you receive the error so the support agent you speak with can get a fresh look at what’s causing the error.
I hope this helps!
I have the very same problem and I have zero playlists saved