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I was unable to reach my NAS’ music library. A couple of days it played music without any problems. So I resorted all my files; did a restart and my also I got the required updates, but still it says that there are ‘no selections are available. My MacBook does not have any problems to see all the folders though.

Are there any tips?

Sadly as said you can’t prevent the NAS update from changing things.

What you can do is to turn off automatic updates on the NAS. Then when one is available check that your Sonos can still see the library. If it can then do the update and try Sonos again. If it isn’t working the first suspect should be the SMB v1 setting in the NAS.

Depending on your NAS the SMB issue may be in the detailed update change log.


You can always duck the NAS/SMB issue by adding a NAS to SMBv1 gateway. I did it on a Pi 3 and a Zero W but any computer that will allow an SMB v1 connection should work following the same instructions.


You unfortunately can’t. I’m resigned at this point that any time the company updates the NAS firmware, I need to at the least go double check. Sometimes they turn it off, other times they don’t.

Thnx Stanley!

How do I prevent the update from doing that? I did the update a couple of weeks ago but everything was fine then. This ‘ Selection-problem’ is quite recently.

Check that your NAS updates did not disable the SMB v1 connection protocol that Sonos requires.


Mod edit: changed “updates” to “NAS updates” for clarity.