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After a year or so of playing without any issues, I am now regularly experiencing issues where songs played from my music library (NAS drive) or Spotify are stopping mid song and then either restarting on the same song after several seconds or jumping to the next song. I would appreciate any suggestions to resolve this.

I currently have no issues with my WiFi which is super fast (1Gbit). I have submitted several diagnostics for review:






To get your diagnostics looked at you will likely need to speak to Sonos Support Staff as users in the community here are unable to assist with that. See this link to contact them:

To get help from the community here, you ideally need to describe your network/Sonos setup and outline if devices are wired/wireless, size of playback group etc. If using managed/unmanaged switches? The Wifi channels currently in use/channel-width etc.

Have you tried unplugging your speakers from power for a couple of minutes and rebooting your router?