Something’s happened! Amazon HD is now playing successfully on my Play 1 and 3’s. I’ve not changed any configuration. Either Sonos has done an update on the speakers (can’t find any mention, so unlikely) or Amazon has reverted to a default of streaming tracks in HD. Presumably there’s some way of streaming a UHD version if it’s available and your equipment is able to play it. Again, can’t find any info on this change. But hey, it’s all working again!
I’m no longer having any problems with my Play:1 speakers since the 13.3.3 version update. I have four Play:1 speakers grouped (two stereo pairs) and playing the same Ultra HD music over WiFi. Music no longer skips.
That’s kind of interesting. Did you submit a diagnostic and let Sonos know what number it was, so that they can look more closely at what is going on?
Haven’t taken the time yet, but good suggestion. Will do.
It may be hard for Sonos to tell, if you don’t submit a diagnostic and let them know which one to look at.
I have since received my fives (setup as a stereo pair) and there is no issue with them. I split up the stereo pair of Play 1’s, one in each of my daughters rooms and they are now working fine as single speakers playing any track from Amazon Music (UHD, HD, etc). Seems like my issue was having them set up as a stereo pair.
I’ve a set of paired Play 3’s, a Play 3, Play 1 and Connect. Since Amazon started streaming the Ultra HD version of any track (if they have it), the Play 3’’s (paired or otherwise) and Play 1 are choppy and unlistenable. The Connect which plays through an Arcam DAC, streams HD and Ultra HD fine.
I reckon this is the reason:
This article: says that the (my!) Play 1’s and 3’s don’t support Ultra HD, although they do support HD. The Connect still works because it can play a 24 bit stream (ie Ultra |HD), via my external DAC, unlike the Play 1 and 3’s which can only play 16 bit streams.
So for those of us with not new components, unless Amazon revert to just streaming HD files and Ultra HD only as an option (or Sonos can come up with a solution), the only choice seems to be to go to a standard/lower quality Amazon stream or look for another streaming service which streams in 16 bit quality.
Amazon automatically upgraded my subscription to Amazon Music HD today. So now I’m having this same issue with my Play:1 speakers and Ultra HD music. I have two stereo pairs (4 speakers total) in adjacent rooms.
I chatted about this issue with Amazon and Sonos, but there was no solution. Amazon couldn’t remove HD from my subscription. Sonos reviewed my diagnostics but couldn’t identify the issue.
I took Scott C’s suggestion above and hardwired each of my stereo pairs to my router. Now I’m streaming Ultra HD just fine. I have one ethernet cable for the pair in the kitchen. And another ethernet cable for the pair in the family room.
The problem persists if I hardwire only one speaker to create a SonosNet for all 4 speakers.
Has anyone tried using a Sonos Boost to create a SonosNet for al speakers and seeing if that solves this issue?
I decoupled my pair and the previously choppy track played cleanly on each Play 1 individually. Also fine when grouped. Reinstated the stereo pair, choppiness immediately came back.
I contacted support and subsequently tested a number of configurations, first with Wifi and then with SonosNet (wired a single Play 1 closer to my switch; pair in another room). Sent them diagnostics for seven and a summary of outcomes for each.
On either Wifi or SonosNet, any single Play 1 played HD cleanly. Paired or grouped, they chopped. (Sorry, my mistake above when I said group was “fine”). So my naïve conclusion was: it must be a problem with speaker to speaker communication.
Then I found an odd case: if I grouped my pair with the wired speaker (using it as the controller), all sounded good. No chop. Tried the reverse: grouping the wired speaker with the pair as controller. That was horrible, worse than the pair alone.
Support looked at the diagnostics (some, at least), and saw “wifi congestion, latency, and wireless interference”. Suggested I move to SonosNet Channel 1 to avoid contention with my Nest mesh using 6 and 11. No improvement. Rebooted the pair for good measure. Still no improvement. At their request, I then wired the left speaker of my pair (had a long enough cable handy). HD played fine on the pair with this as well.
It’s not convenient to keep the wire attached to the pair so for now I’ll stick with my workaround, keep SonosNet and use the wired single to control the pair when necessary. So a partial resolution. Price of older hardware, I guess :)
For the record, I thought the Sonos support person on chat was extremely competent. I was impressed.
If there were a general issue with Sonos playing Amazon HD there would be far more posts on here about the issue. Even if it were just affecting Play:1s I suspect there would be many more posts, but obviously I can't be sure of that.
But maybe the relatively small amount of memory in a Play:1, especially early ones, is an additional factor in the 'failure'. That is highly speculative and may not make technical sense!
When I originally spoke with support, I had sent diagnostics and they said everything looked OK - I will need to call back and do it again I suppose.
I’m having a similar issue with Amazon Music on Sonos, which seemed to start on 9/25/2021. Certain Amazon Music Ultra HD music tracks would skip every time they are played on my Sonos Play:1 speakers. Other Amazon Music HD and Ultra HD tracks are fine. Also other services are working fine on Sonos.
I tried reauthorizing Amazon Music and removing/adding Amazon Music on the Sonos App, but neither worked.
I also tried changing the 2.4 ghz channel on my router from 1 to 6 to 11, and then rebooting my routers and the Sonos speakers after each channel change. However this did not resolve the issue.
I spoke with the Sonos help desk a few times. The first representative told me to reboot everything, but that didn’t help. The last representative told me that Ultra HD is not supported yet on Sonos.
I called Amazon Music and downgraded to Amazon Music Standard Definition. Everything is working fine now, but I no longer have HD. Fortunately I don’t have audiophile ears.
I haven’t separated my stereo pair, but at least I know this appears to be an issue with others (unfortunately). The commonalities seem to be Play:1’s and Amazon Ultra HD songs streamed from the Sonos App.
This appears to be a Sonos issue and not an Amazon issue too.
This thread may be of interest.
The Play:1 thing starts to seem more plausible....
It’s the best way to get “hard’ data to someone who hopefully has the skills to read it, and interpret what’s going on. Those of us who aren’t Sonos employees don’t have access to it, otherwise life would be much easier ;)
And if indeed there’s an issue with their code, providing that “hard” data about the bug will go miles further in helping a coder figure out what’s going on, too.
That’s kind of interesting. Did you submit a diagnostic and let Sonos know what number it was, so that they can look more closely at what is going on?
Found this thread after having a similar experience. Have Play 1s and recently upgraded to Amazon HD. Only new info I can add is that this only affects my paired set (no choppiness on my solo Play 1s in other rooms).
I decoupled my pair and the previously choppy track played cleanly on each Play 1 individually. Also fine when grouped. Reinstated the stereo pair, choppiness immediately came back.
It would seem that this is only an issue with the Play:1’s I am guessing. I have two Fives on order so I am hoping this will no longer be an issue with newer hardware. And, unless there is a software patch, my current speakers will be useless to me if I want to use the Sonos app.