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Hi all

I might be missing something.

On the IOS app I have an option to “create group”, where I can give the group a name, e..g Downstairs, and add in my Kitchen, Lounge and Dining Room devices. This makes it very easy to perform the same actions to all relevant devices.

I cannot see any references to either this functionality, or the groups I’ve created, in the Sonos Windows app.

Am I overlooking something?




No, you’re not missing anything. The Desktop controller has been in ‘maintenance-only’ mode for some time and so does not have all features of the mobile controller Apps, in particular the administration of a Sonos system is not available via the Destop controller. Not sure if the App will ever get updated or replaced either, as Sonos rarely ever comment on their development roadmap. You’re best to use the mobile/tablet Apps to access all Sonos features.

Thanks Ken. That’s a shame. A mouse and a decent screen always beats a finger and a tiny device for many operations, not least building playlists or choosing what to play.

I do have this feature in an in-progress version of my Windows app, but its a part of a much bigger set of changes that aren’t going to get released for quite a while.

Thanks Ken. That’s a shame. A mouse and a decent screen always beats a finger and a tiny device for many operations, not least building playlists or choosing what to play.