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Is there a way to change the default behaviour when clicking a song from Play Now to add to queue? The use case here is when multiple people are controlling the play list (i.e at a party) and each song only gets half way through before someone has not remembered to press the three dots to add to queue. I’m hoping there is a way to change this behaviour in the settings but have not been unable to find anything.


Thanks Corry. That is a shame that the feature does not exist but thanks for tagging as feature request. Much appreciated. For my particular user case it would not matter if this was a setting that was global across all controllers or a setting that would need to be turned on on each device controlling the playlist (it’s generally a small group of people wanting to add music so would be easy to set on their device). Your workaround is essentially what I do now and people just request me to add songs but ideally I’d like to sit back, relax and let the tech do the work (call me lazy 😀).

Hi @AndyMc82 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

There is no way to change the default behaviour to Add to Queue in the Sonos app. I have added a feature request tag to this topic - it’s not a bad idea! - so it will be seen by the relevant teams for consideration.

Presumably you’d want a single setting that affects all controllers - otherwise, it would need to be turned on in each copy of the Sonos app that connects to the system and therefore be unlikely to actually solve your problem.

It should be noted, however, that we occasionally let a good idea slide if it’s determined that it will cause more trouble that it’s worth - if a feature is likely to cause more user error, confusion, or technical support requests than it solves, it may never see the light of day. I can see how this might be construed as one of those.

Having said all that, it seems to me that most times that a room full of people are given control over music, things go weird pretty quickly - my personal advice would be to change your WiFi password (admittedly, this is a bit of work) and take control!