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I set up the skill for Alexa and am running My Speaker on my PC and it works perfectly...... for 1 room. I have Sonos speakers in three rooms (2 or Play 1's and 1 is an Amp). It looks like My Speaker only sees one of the rooms. All three rooms can be seen and controlled by the Sonos app on my phone and also the Phonos Universal on my Windows PC. Any sugestions?
Please use the links in the app to get support from us via email, instead of asking in the Sonos forums.
I suggest that you ask the 3rd party company that produces My Speaker. It's not a Sonos product.
I apologize if I've posted in the wrong area. I'm referring to "My Speaker" skill on the Amazon Alexa Echo Dot.
What Alexa skill are you talking about?

Do you happen to be in some NDA'd beta program? If so, this is absolutely not the place to be posting this. There is a beta forum that would be much more appropriate.