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Hi, Aware that there was another thread about this but it was closed for comments and was left unresolved. This seems to happen to me more frequently through iPhone than my MacBook. Is very frustrating
I had the same problem from my iPhone. I turned on an additional speaker and updated the software on that one as I don’t use it much, closed the app and restarted and it plays music saved on my phone. I have no idea what fixed it but it’s working now.
Did you read the data that Stanley linked to in his response, directly above yours?????
I’m connecting from my iphone and I get this all the time ??

Error 1001 / Error 1002

These error messages occur when Sonos tries to add or connect to your music share, but the computer or NAS drive takes too long to respond. This can happen when the computer or NAS is having trouble maintaining a reliable connection to the network.

The most common causes of these errors are detailed above under “Common Issues and Solutions.” If you see this error, check your computer or NAS and make sure that it’s powered on and awake. If the computer is on WiFi, make sure it has a strong wireless connection to the router.

A firewall can also block Sonos from properly connecting to the computer. If a firewall is installed on the computer, make sure it’s configured for Sonos by following these steps.