New Sonos Connect?

  • 14 November 2017
  • 47 replies

Userlevel 1
I have been wondering for a few years now. Will there ever be a new Sonos Connect? Something comparable to the Bluesound Node 2 in sound quality and design. The Connect seems so hopelesly outdated.

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47 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +1
More than anything the one thing I would like with a new connect is the ability to be able to speed up the signal relative the other sonos elements in a grouping. At the moment there is an issue where the signals are sent to AV receivers and due to processing the synchronization is being lost.
There are ways round it but the sound in direct mode on most AV receivers isn't very good. This issue has been known about for +5 years surely they could fix this one.
Might want to join this thread, too:
Userlevel 1
I don't need any more indputs. Why would you? You only need audio out?
It is however pretty useless without trigger out. Who the hell makes a non powered unit that can't wake up an amp? That really is completely moronic.
And yes one really have to hide the hideous thing. But it would be nice if that wasn't necessary.
Userlevel 7
Badge +20
You keep saying that Kumar, yet I've read dozens of reviews where qualified reviewers have demonstrated the opposite - that an improved DAC provides better sound. Perhaps you could be ... wrong? Or perhaps other people's opinions on the matter are OK.
Point us to a review where the comparison was done under properly controlled conditions. 'Qualified reviewers' don't like to do this because it spoils all the fun.
Userlevel 4
Badge +3
Well, they could start by making a black connnect! I’m not sure about the better DAC. I’ve actually found that they can mak a difference, but most of the folks who think so likely already have an external DAC. I’m using it as an input to my integrated amp, with a stop in a Schiit DAC on the way. I don’t know what I’d need more outputs for....
More than anything the one thing I would like with a new connect is the ability to be able to speed up the signal relative the other sonos elements in a grouping. At the moment there is an issue where the signals are sent to AV receivers and due to processing the synchronization is being lost.
There are ways round it but the sound in direct mode on most AV receivers isn't very good. This issue has been known about for +5 years surely they could fix this one.

Totally agree about this. There are many wonderful sounding AV Receivers, Room Correction devices (preamps etc.) as well as DACs that add some processing to the input. This unfortunately means that when using the sonos connect, the sound will be out of sync with other sonos speakers.

A sync adjustment in the Sonos Connect allowing +/- ms tweaking would be fantastic
Userlevel 7
Badge +20
Duncan totally agree with you and here's hoping that the new sonos connect will include this feature. I am honestly not very hopeful considering the overall sonos approach to sticking with a limited set of features. We don't even know for sure that a new sonos connect is about to be released. I hope it is but...
Just to note that this feature -- introducing a configurable, variable delay for selected Sonos devices -- is completely independent of a new CONNECT device, especially as the delay would likely apply to devices other than the CONNECT itself.

And am i right that the Connect controls volume digitally? Wouldn't it be nice to have a little more headroom then?

There’s far more than enough headroom, given Sonos’ 24-bit internal buss. Volume control won’t drop a single bit across its range.
If the Connect needs anything it is features - more inputs for example. And perhaps a price reduction, but that goes to policy. As to ugly, it is easily hidden.
And Sonos isn't the only one right - it just happens to be one of the many that have sussed out the red herring in Hi Res. Those who offer the capability do so to exploit consumers who fall for it, because the electronics needed to do so is cheap now. And these makes do not care about backward compatibility.
Userlevel 7
Badge +21
There is rarely anything concrete form Sonos with regards to dates. And very little info on new products till they arrive so i doubt you will get much more in the way of info. Why are you waiting for a new connect, and what new features would you like to see/need?
Userlevel 6
Badge +15
Better DAC is the main thing, Airplay 2 compatibility is secondary. I don't see any reason why I wouldn't get a Connect, just wondering if I should delay so I don't miss some possible new features.
A new model Connect may have more connectivity options, lower footprint, lower price and more in the features list; but audible improvement in sound quality is extremely unlikely to the extent that will stand up in a controlled blind test. No one anywhere has proved lower sound quality till now with the existing Connect with ANY dac extant in such a test. Subjective claims to this effect exist in multitudes of course.
And by the way, this isn't just me being a Connect/Sonos fan; I also find the DAC in the Chromecast audio puck that sells for about 10% of the price of the Connect to be just as good in sound quality as a source as the Connect or any other DAC that may in turn cost in multiples of the Connect. Again, something that no one has taken the trouble to disprove under controlled conditions, because as pwt says, that would be spoiling all the fun.

For the Chromecast audio I believe that there are supporting measurements somewhere on the archimago blog, for anyone interested in dry analysis.

From the time the CCA was launched by Google it has been obvious that the Connect is ridiculously overpriced, but Sonos with its focus on play units and voice control does not seem to be worried too much about low Connect sales. Perhaps that will change, time will tell.
Userlevel 5
Badge +13
Maybe the same Sonos Connect today could be engineered to be smaller and cheaper.
Have been using Sonos Connect amp into B&W floor standing speakers for 5 years now.For last 2 weeks have been streaming Tidal via a Yamaha WXAD 10 into the Connect line in and have no doubt audio quality is to my ear much improved.Surely the Burr Brown DAC in the Yamaha must be the reason.However the Musiccast app is not great.
You mean Burr Brown is better than Wolfson?:-))

Anything fed into the line in of the Connect gets converted to digital and then back to analog inside the Connect...

Will Tidal not stream via Connect and eliminate a whole lot of components from the signal path that can only be good for it and neutral at worst?
Userlevel 7
Badge +20
Although I could agree on this subject, delay is possible, but not the opposite; maybe they could improve the sync algorithm between speakers to allow less delay than 70msecs.
In effect what's being requested is the ability to retard the sound coming out of the Sonos devices not connected to the receiver, to allow for the additional delay introduced by the receiver. While I imagine this is technically possible to achieve, I doubt it's a priority for Sonos.

As you probably know, 'improving the sync algorithm' is not really relevant here. Whatever delay Sonos introduces to allow for sync and reliability, the receiver will still be just as out of sync as before.
Userlevel 2
Badge +1
Although I could agree on this subject, delay is possible, but not the opposite; maybe they could improve the sync algorithm between speakers to allow less delay than 70msecs.
In effect what's being requested is the ability to retard the sound coming out of the Sonos devices not connected to the receiver, to allow for the additional delay introduced by the receiver. While I imagine this is technically possible to achieve, I doubt it's a priority for Sonos.

As you probably know, 'improving the sync algorithm' is not really relevant here. Whatever delay Sonos introduces to allow for sync and reliability, the receiver will still be just as out of sync as before.

Exactly that. It is certainly technically possible to adjust the 'relative' sync of the connect in relation to other speakers. This would essentially mean adding a sync delay to the rest of the sonos speakers to allow the Connect + AV Receiver to be in sync. Unfortunately I also think this is not a priority for Sonos.

Given that this has been in the development request queue for 5 years I would agree that it isn't a priority, however sonos are going to release a new connect and given that there isn't a single AV receiver on the market that can put out 2.1 sound without there being a sync issue. The sonos element is called a connect, you would hope it would connect to and work with pretty much everything.
Rumor has it there will be a Connect refresh. I highly doubt it will have High Resolution audio like the Bluesound. Sonos has stated in the past they think (as do many other audio experts) higher sample rates are not justified by the math and as such, are not necessary to support.

Sonos is wrong but they also don't want to put in the effort and $$$ to put a decent dac and amp on the Connect. It is ridiculously overpriced and the Node 2 walks all over it easily.
The Connect is without an amp by design, so it means nothing to say that a better amp is needed. The Connect DAC has never been beaten in a controlled double blind test anywhere in the world till now at any price point, inspite of many subjective statements made about it.

Sonos is wrong but they also don't want to put in the effort and $$$ to put a decent dac and amp on the Connect. It is ridiculously overpriced and the Node 2 walks all over it easily.

If "Sonos is wrong", then so is the entire history of physics, biology, and math.
Userlevel 3
Badge +2
And by the way, this isn't just me being a Connect/Sonos fan; I also find the DAC in the Chromecast audio puck that sells for about 10% of the price of the Connect to be just as good in sound quality as a source as the Connect or any other DAC that may in turn cost in multiples of the Connect.

And with that you have completely qualified all your previous responses..... You really believe a chrome cast is of the same audio output quality as ..... never mind, enough said.

I have a completely Sonos Outfitted home with 2 Amps, 2 Play 5s, a Play 3, a Connect and the New Connect Amp. I've got speakers everywhere. Pretty much every room and the deck is a zone. I LOVE my Sonos System and I really love my New Connect Amp - The thing is awesome and the sonic improvement over the 1st generation Amp is quite noticeable, yet I liked my original amp with the same speakers just fine, until I got the new one. As for the Connect, it's in my living room "connected" to a B&O System. When I installed it, I couldn't stand the sound of it on it's own; it was flat and lifeless. I added an Arcam rDac between the connect and the B&O, effectively by-passing the internal DAC and making the Connect nothing more than a transport, and now the B&O just sings with it. Even my wife, who could care less about the equipment, how it works or anything else came into the room and said "what have you done to the stereo, it sounds so much better". She had no idea I had installed another piece of gear so there was no possibility of a placebo effect ..... Subjective, Yes. Real, also Yes.

As for the possibility of a new Connect I'd love to see a new DAC inside like the new connect amp. I'd love to see an HDMI arc connection, a coax in and optical in.

My current living room set up looks like this: TV to Inday Toslink Switch, Connect to Inday Toslink Switch, BT Receiver to Inday Toslink Switch - Switch to DAC, DAC to B&O : TV + Connect + BT > Inday Switch > Arcam DAC > B&O A New Connect could help me eliminate the switch and the external DAC
Rumor has it there will be a Connect refresh. I highly doubt it will have High Resolution audio like the Bluesound. Sonos has stated in the past they think (as do many other audio experts) higher sample rates are not justified by the math and as such, are not necessary to support.
Userlevel 1
Well, if that is true they obviosly have no intention to be a true Hi-Fi alternative. Such a shame. Does anyone have any idea when they might come with something with a design that doesn't force you to hide the ugly thing? ?
Well, if that is true they obviosly have no intention to be a true Hi-Fi alternative. Such a shame. Does anyone have any idea when they might come with something with a design that doesn't force you to hide the ugly thing? ?

Most objective audio experts agree that high resolution audio is snake oil. Including Monty Montgomery, who works for the company that created FLAC. See his explanation of why here: