
widget missing on Android

  • 10 May 2024
  • 2 replies

I opened my Android phone yesterday and discovered my Sonos widgets were gone. I was going to just carry on using the Sonos app which, so far, works fine but the sleep timer feature is also gone. Will it and the widgets be reinstated? 

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

On my older Android devices it looks like I lost the widget too, even though the App didn’t update to the new v80 one.

Sonos hasn’t aid anything that I’ve seen but with so many posts I could have missed it.

Worse in messing with it I have lost the Sonos icon and can only start the App by searching for it in the app store.

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Tried rebooting the old tablet, that got my icon back. Sigh.

I’m missing the widget, it was the whole reason for having that tablet set on a stand next to my monitor so I could see what was playing without having to leave the desktop program I was using.
