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When will I be able to tell Siri or google or Alexa to play on sonos ?
Hey guys, let's try to play nice please. No need to go to aggressive or defensive here.

We were reading some of those articles too and there are some that are just connecting dots that aren't really related, to create their own story. There aren't any issues with the Echo integration that's in development, it's looking great and some really exciting things are taking place behind the scenes on that. I can't comment on any other voice activation systems as none have been officially announced, but the team here is definitely interested in voice and what it can mean with Sonos.

If you'd like the real facts behind the CEO changeover, it's here in John's blog post. There aren't any secret meanings or a hidden story, but salacious headlines are the best for getting clicks.
First I've heard of any such rumors. Did you make them up?

Make them up, No. I read it in a few publications as i was keeping up to date with CES, I'd send some links but honestly i dont feel like pulling up my history and waste my time for you. Since its the first you heard of it i must be wrong or just made it up.....

Well, Google shows nothing, so they must be from those fake news sites our idiot-elect uses for his "facts".

I didnt use google for searching out specific links stating there were issues. I was reading various updates about CES and bouncing around to embedded links. The dialogue in the links were discussing multiple issues, not just Sonos. It was mentioned in a few of these sites about the rumors of Sonos having a difficult time.

yeah, again, since you didnt see it or touch it so it must be wrong. May I ask your age?

Look. Let's have a sensible debate here. We all want the same thing which is effective voice control.

Don't come on here stating rumour this and rumour that and then refuse to post links and when challenged make irrelevant comments about age.

Put up or shut up I say
Sonos not showing at CES is nothing new. They choose not to be there more often than they choose to attend.
Do Sonos always show at CES? Given the size of the company compared to the majors at CES maybe Sonos were spending their time on their product. After all they have no new kit so show and Alexa integration is probably in private beta so they won't want to show it yet.

Another person afraid of hearing something different

Not afraid at all. I'd just like it to be something with the slightest shred of evidence behind it, not the fantasy of some anonymous poster who may or may not be talking out his/her nether regions. Post any rumor you like, just be sure to back it up somehow. So far, all we have is you saying there are rumors and would like to see something more substantiated.

Do you have something more substantiated?

Look. Let's have a sensible debate here. We all want the same thing which is effective voice control.

Don't come on here stating rumour this and rumour that and then refuse to post links and when challenged make irrelevant comments about age.

Put up or shut up I say

Here, here.

Another person afraid of hearing something different
First I've heard of any such rumors. Did you make them up?

Make them up, No. I read it in a few publications as i was keeping up to date with CES, I'd send some links but honestly i dont feel like pulling up my history and waste my time for you. Since its the first you heard of it i must be wrong or just made it up.....

Well, Google shows nothing, so they must be from those fake news sites our idiot-elect uses for his "facts".

I didnt use google for searching out specific links stating there were issues. I was reading various updates about CES and bouncing around to embedded links. The dialogue in the links were discussing multiple issues, not just Sonos. It was mentioned in a few of these sites about the rumors of Sonos having a difficult time.

yeah, again, since you didnt see it or touch it so it must be wrong. May I ask your age?

Look. Let's have a sensible debate here. We all want the same thing which is effective voice control.

Don't come on here stating rumour this and rumour that and then refuse to post links and when challenged make irrelevant comments about age.

Put up or shut up I say

Put up or shut up? WOW, i feel like this is a forum for preschoolers. Sorry i even brought it up.

Look. Let's have a sensible debate here. We all want the same thing which is effective voice control.

Don't come on here stating rumour this and rumour that and then refuse to post links and when challenged make irrelevant comments about age.

Put up or shut up I say

Here, here.
First I've heard of any such rumors. Did you make them up?

Make them up, No. I read it in a few publications as i was keeping up to date with CES, I'd send some links but honestly i dont feel like pulling up my history and waste my time for you. Since its the first you heard of it i must be wrong or just made it up.....

Well, Google shows nothing, so they must be from those fake news sites our idiot-elect uses for his "facts".

I didnt use google for searching out specific links stating there were issues. I was reading various updates about CES and bouncing around to embedded links. The dialogue in the links were discussing multiple issues, not just Sonos. It was mentioned in a few of these sites about the rumors of Sonos having a difficult time.

yeah, again, since you didnt see it or touch it so it must be wrong. May I ask your age?
Amazon was slated for early 2017, but with the CEO stepping down today, it may show that the rumors about Sonos having a difficult time with the integration are true...
Most of the articles I can find discuss how MacFarlane was late to recognize the value of voice control which let Amazon surge ahead and cut into Sonos sales. Also some comments about Sonos not showing at CES but I don't see anything specific to progress on or problems with the integration.
First I've heard of any such rumors. Did you make them up?

Make them up, No. I read it in a few publications as i was keeping up to date with CES, I'd send some links but honestly i dont feel like pulling up my history and waste my time for you. Since its the first you heard of it i must be wrong or just made it up.....

Well, Google shows nothing, so they must be from those fake news sites our idiot-elect uses for his "facts".
First I've heard of any such rumors. Did you make them up?

Make them up, No. I read it in a few publications as i was keeping up to date with CES, I'd send some links but honestly i dont feel like pulling up my history and waste my time for you. Since its the first you heard of it i must be wrong or just made it up.....
First I've heard of any such rumors. Did you make them up?

This thread is full of rumor mongers making stuff up.
First I've heard of any such rumors. Did you make them up?
Wouldn't this be an ideal time for the sonos PR people to announce future google home integration plans?

Before future sonos sales are lost to that, as well as echo.......

What if there aren't any plans?
Wouldn't this be an ideal time for the sonos PR people to announce future google home integration plans?

Before future sonos sales are lost to that, as well as echo.......
I would be curious to know the nature of these rumored difficulties with the Echo integration but I doubt if there is a connection to the CEO leaving.