A shot in the dark here, check the serial numbers on the Sonos page against the speaker’s data plate, could there be a typo?
The 4 digits before the serial are the year and month, so that looks like June 2019. So not a legacy. I’d contact support via phone or PM a support person (Ryan S), (Edward R), or (Jeff S) here.
Sounds like that unit shouldn’t be legacy, there may be a weird bug affecting the system somewhere. I’d recommend contacting the support team directly over the phone as jgatie suggested.
It has now effectively changed, was not the case previously today.
Don’t get me wrong, I was not at all in a hurry to have it corrected, since I had the information directly from support (that I believed) I was ok with that. But as this is a community forum, some other people might have been with the same misleading information, and just had to wait until this gets corrected.
The recent support I had from Sonos was most probably the more professional support I’ve ever had (oh yes, I’m an Hard&Soft eng. for embedded systems by the way). There was no blame that the problems were coming from my network, just different questions and tests which always made sense. Replacement was then quick. Good job!
Did not get a reply from Sonos yet, but see that my Connect is now also marked as ‘modern product’, so it seems fixed.
Feedback from support, my "new" Connect is effectively wrongly reported as legacy in the online checking system. Should be corrected since it is said to have been produced in 2019.
The 4 digits before the serial are the year and month, so that looks like June 2019. So not a legacy. I’d contact support via phone or PM a support person (Ryan S), (Edward R), or (Jeff S) here.
The email and the page tell the same: That I have a Connect that is about to become a legacy product. I still have no idea what version of the connect I have. Like said, I bought my Connect just a couple of months ago, did the shop sell me Connect that was already at least 4 years old? How can I tell other than Sonos telling me that my Connect is becoming legacy?
It could be a mistake. You can find the date of manufacture to the left of the serial number on the bottom label. If it is after 2015, then you should be good. Might want to alert Sonos to the false legacy email, so they can track down the cause.
Same issue here, bought my Connect just a couple of months ago and now getting an email from Sonos it is a legacy product? According to the annoucement only connect from before 2015 should become legacy, but there is no way of knowing if you have an old of new version. Within the web-interface of my connect I can find a hardware-version, but no idea what this means. Google doesn’t know either.
How do I know if I was sold an old connect or the Sonos email was wrong?
And Connects are still being sold at a lot of shops, but there is no way of telling if these are old of new versions.
Thanks, left to the serial I found the code ‘D102 1906C’, would that mean the 19 is from 2019?
On the label on the back I also found ‘CMIT ID 2017DJ400’ and ‘Model S15’. Still does not indicate it is a model from before 2016.
The email and the page tell the same: That I have a Connect that is about to become a legacy product. I still have no idea what version of the connect I have. Like said, I bought my Connect just a couple of months ago, did the shop sell me Connect that was already at least 4 years old? How can I tell other than Sonos telling me that my Connect is becoming legacy?
Stanley_4 is correct. It should only be Connects that were manufactured before 2015 that are legacy. If you have any questions the team may be able to assist if you reach out to support directly.
Legacy Connects are those sold before 2016. The shop you bought it from sold you stock that was at least 4 years old. I would take it up with them.
A shot in the dark here, check the serial numbers on the Sonos page against the speaker’s data plate, could there be a typo?
Good idea Stanley.
Thanks for the support all, I will take it up with Sonos directly. Serial number on label and on products page match.
I also got the same “legacy product” email yesterday.
Funny story for me… I just sent back my Sonos Connect last week on warranty (was disconnecting, bought december 2018), got the new one this morning shipped from Sonos directly.
And guess which one is about to become a legacy product… the new one from Sonos. Nice job.
I also got the same “legacy product” email yesterday.
Funny story for me… I just sent back my Sonos Connect last week on warranty (was disconnecting, bought december 2018), got the new one this morning shipped from Sonos directly.
And guess which one is about to become a legacy product… the new one from Sonos. Nice job.
I would double check the date of manufacture, there seems to be some incorrect designation of legacy products going on. On the bottom label, the 4 digits in front of the serial number are the year and month of manufacture. If the year is after 16 (ex. 16XXC), then you have a modern device. If so, I would contact Sonos support.
The e-mail is just to let you know what is happening, you can check your Sonos hardware status here:
I’d give Sonos until Monday to get it sorted than contact support directly as Ryan S suggested.
@Manuj, I just checked and both of the Connects you had (the old and the replacement one) look like they were manufactured after the hardware change, so they should both be modern devices.
I’d give Sonos until Monday to get it sorted than contact support directly as Ryan S suggested.
Sounds like a good plan, as far as I can tell without a diagnostic it should be fine. Also, the bug that I know of with the false flag should be resolved as well, but yes, maybe it needs a day or two.
I have received an email from you, which includes the serial number of my unit, which informs me that my Connect is now a legacy product.
I an utterly amazed and disappointed to receive this message as I only bought this unit last September. I find this totally unacceptable for a unit I have owned for only 4 months. Please can you therefore answer the following questions:-
- Should I demand my money back from the shop I bought it from or from you?
- I also bought a Playbase and associated base unit. How long before these become legacy products?
- How can I have any faith in Sonos after finding the expected future life of my unit is so short?
Wow hope you get this sorted out in your favor. I would contact Sonos about this too, you are getting royally screwed. Sonos may have sent out new old inventory.