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My Sonos Connect is only providing an audio output intermittently to my hifi amplifier. I know it's the Connect that is at issue, rather than the amplifier, because my CD player is also connected to my amp and that is working just fine. I have also checked the Network Matrix, and the connection from the Root Bridge (a Play 3) to the Connect is fine (inbound/outbound is 43/38). Any ideas? Thanks! Mike
Hello Michael,

Thank you for the diagnostic, there is a problem with the CONNECT named Reading Room and it will need to be replaced. I've created ticket 140107-001394 for you and will be following up there.

It's also possible that this is a problem on the player's internal memory. If you run a test with a different Ethernet connection and still get the issue, then let me know and we will organise a replacement for you.
Problem resolved with a new unit! Thank you for the help!
Thank you for the support!
It doesn't change that much really. I'll set up a support case using the email your Community account is under and contact you from that.
I live in Sweden. Does that change things?

I would love to have it replaced for a working unit...
There would be a charge for replacing the out of warranty unit but it would not be the full price. It's $109 I believe. Let me know if you want me to set this up for you.
I doubt the unit is still under warranty. It is at least 5 years old.. It still sour to pay $410 for a new one... Is there a way to repair it?
It really only has one in use. The left one.
I see that the Lounge CONNECT has both ports being used. Can you tell me what the Ethernet cables in those ports are connected to?

In the minutes leading up to the diagnostic I had the ethernet cable switched out and then connected straight to the router. No difference in playback. Same choppy feed...
Hello Mike,

Do you usually see this issue with one particular type of music source? Do you get issues with your local music library or from music services too? Which output are you using off of the CONNECT? If you're using the Analog connection, are you able to try out one of the other outputs to see if it's a problem with that connection?

Can you  please submit a diagnostic from the system and reply back with the confirmation number?

Will do!

Sounds far fetched since I have 5 units running flawlessly. The connect being the only wired one....

But I am willing to try to find a solution!
Hi Ltsqarepants, thanks for the diagnostic. I can see a lot of instances of not enough data being transported to the CONNECT. As it's wired in I think the issues are related to the Ethernet connection. There's a lot of worrying error messages there. Can you try using a different Ethernet cable and see if that improves the situation? If it does not, then please try another port on the switch, and if that doesn't help wire it directly to the router instead. Please submit a diagnostic taken after making each change and reply back here with the numbers.
It's the one named lounge
It's wired to a switch.

Hey Ltsqarepants, thank you for sending us this description. I’d like to collect some additional information as we did with Michael. What is the CONNECT wired to, a router or a switch? Can you please try to play for a few minutes and submit a diagnostic within 5 minutes of the interruptions? Send us the confirmation number and we’ll be happy to take a look.
I'm having the exact same issues with my connect. It is the root wired device in my system and I'm, as of now, not experiencing any issues on any other device . I've hooked the connect up to my receiver through coax, the receiver experiences a steady stream without interruption, but sound is more off than on... I've tried hooking it up through optical with the same result. The issue persists throughout sources. But only on the connect. All other devices work well. But as said, the connect is the root, wired, device.

I was in the beta program for a while and was having problems with the connect not wanting to update, so I left the beta... All my devices are now running the same version. Was working well for about a month.. But not anymore...
The confirmation number is: 3331337.

The problem is with the Connect component called "Reading Room".  Keeps dropping out... more out than in.
