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Novice here on tech details on Sonos System and need help with what I need to do to add a turntable to our system. 

What we have: Hard-wired (non-Sonos) in wall speakers spread through 3 levels of residential home. They are connected to our internet with Sonos ports and an amp of some sort (not sure it’s a Sonos amp, but that might be there too). 10-15 speakers. The wiring has been run to a utility room where our internet and all the Sonos components are centralized (the brain so to speak). 

What I want to do: Add a turntable (either Pro-ject or similar with built-in amp) to our living room. 

Question: How do I add this turntable to our existing system so that the records play over our wired speakers (and their various groupings on the app)?

-Do I need a Port (does that speak wirelessly to our existing system?), or an Amp (trying not to duplicate components we already own), or would and Era 100 speaker plugged into the turntable communicate wirelessly with our system in the utility room?

Any insight into how this works would be much appreciated. I tried calling Sonos tech support, but seemed to have a disconnect between the situation and possible solutions. 

Many thanks! 

Just use the line-in RCA connection on the existing Sonos Port or Amp, that will be linked direct to your TT with built-in pre-amp. If the TT has no pre-amp just add one between the TT and Sonos line-in.

You can read more here:

and here:



Welcome to the community!

Your options as you mentioned are:

  1. Use a Sonos Port to send the Turntable (TT) audio wirelessly to other Sonos components (i.e. speakers or Amp). You would connect the TT with built-in pre-amp to the Ports RCA input
  2. Use a Sonos Era 100, Era 300 or Five to connect the TT directly to the speaker using the Sonos Line-in Adapter shown here. *

Connection Variations I_w/Sonos Speakers

  • If you purchase the Project TT the leads are not hardwired but you would still need an RCA to 3.5mm cable as shown here to connect to the Sonos Line-In adapter.  You would substitute the cable for the factory cable set.

Connection Variation II_w/Sonos Speakers

  • If you decide to use an outboard pre-amp you would run the factory TT RCA to RCA leads to the RCA inputs of the Pre-amp and still use the RCA to 3.5mm from the Pre-amp RCA output to the Sonos Line-in adapter

Connection Variation III_w/Sonos Port

  • If you decide to use an outboard pre-amp you would run the factory TT RCA to RCA leads to the RCA inputs of the Pre-amp and RCA to RCA cable from Pre-amp out to Port RCA input.

 * A 3rd party line-in adapter is not compatible; therefore the Sonos Line-in adapter must be used. The Five does not require the Sonos proprietary adaptor it will accept a generic RCA to 3.5mm cable as shown in the 2nd link above.