
Individual unit migration to sonos2

  • 12 March 2024
  • 6 replies

Is it possible to migrate compatible Sonos units one by one from Sonos 1 to Sonos 2 systems?  Most of the incompatible units I have are in hard to reach places and so would be much easier if could keave the Sonos 1 system as is and gradually move the compatible  units one by one to new Sonos 2 system (which I have in one room). Thanks for any suggestions. 


Best answer by AjTrek1 12 March 2024, 14:40

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6 replies

Userlevel 7


If I understand you correctly you want to operate Sonos S1 and S2 systems. That means you will be splitting your Sonos. Click the link on how to do so:

There are limitations to running two systems so read this link as well:


Thank for taking the time to respond. 

I have a Sonos 1 system with some dual compatible and some S1 only components. These S1 are by and large in very hard to reach places.  

I also have a recent small S2 system.  As I read the links if in transition S1>S2 then I will have to reset up the S1 system. This will require physical access to the S1 kit. Which is very awkward.  

So what I am hoping is that I can move ( maybe singly/ one at a time) the compatible units from S1 to S2 (these are much more easily accessible - bought later) and thus avoid having to reset up an S1 system with its hard to reach units.


Hope makes sense.


Thanks again. 

The current S1 units don’t really need to be touched, you would just need to convert whichever units you want to upgrade, adding them to the S2 system. 

Life can be much easier if you power down the S1 system, leaving only the device you’re migrating, I believe. Less chance for ‘confusion’. 

Fabulous.  Thank you.
So power off all S1 only kit (which is easier than get at units). Then just initiate the switch to existing S2. Or indeed just set it(S2) up again from scratch. Had to use a different email for S1 and 2 apps when set S2 up  

After S2 up and running > power up the remaining older incompatible S1 units which will remain in original discrete system. 

if I’ve got this right then much less hassle. 

Thank you very much- very helpful. 

Userlevel 7


You’re on the right track. I would further suggest you  factory reset the products that are S1/S2 compatible and then add them to S2. There’s no need to setup your entire S2 system again. But as recommended power down the S1 system first.

FYI, if Sonos products are hard to reach I suggest you connect them to a power strip. You may have to daisy chain two or more strips but at least it makes them more accessible. Sometimes troubleshooting requires a power down of units. I have speakers that are wall mounted including a sub; all are connected to a power strip to easily power down all at once.

Tremendous advice. Thanks all. Will report back if anh problems. 

Big thank yous ro all 
